Integrated Poultry Farming Hand Book & Bankable Project report



Active Member
Hand Book & Bankable Project report on Integrated Poultry Farming(Egg & Meat) Prepared on July 2013

Customization: Customized based on investment and also size of Poultry farm. Useful to new and existing farm owners to increase your profit.

Language: Simple English, Step by Step Procedure with Pictures

Topics covered in Info Hand Book & Project Report

General Information
Guidelines for integrated biosecurity in poultry production
Scope for broiler farming and its national importance
Grower and layer management
Poultry management

Types of Poultry Rearing
Cage system with Advantages & Disadvantages
Deep litter system
Points to be considered in deep litter
Cage fatigue & Confinement Rearing
Temperatur & Light requirement during different ages
Litter management

Housing for Poultry
Location of Poultry
Feeding of Poultry
Feed Ingredients
Conventional Poultry Feeds
Non-Conventional Poultry Feeds

Growing Chicks
Care and management of new chicks
Care of growing chicks
Composition of grower ration
Average feed consumption of egg type birds during growing period
Feeding and watering
Debeaking & Dubbing

Caring Broilers
Housing Broilers
Feeding & Watering Broilers
Composition of broiler ration

Production of Hatching Eggs
Specific conditions for hatching
Testing of Incubated Eggs

Disease Control
Vaccination programme for broiler chicken
Disinfectants and their use
Common Virus Desease of poultry
Symptoms and Deworming
Treatment and Prevention

Bankable Project Report Includes the following

Land Requirement
Building cost
Equipment cost
Chick cost
Insurance cost
Veterinary cost
Feeding cost
Concentrate Feed cost
Salary and Maintenance

Total Project Cost
Total Turnover
Total Profit
Break even point and other economic parameters
EMI and Interest repayment schedule
Finance and Bank loan Procedure
Stock value and depreciation
Cash flow and financial projection for 5 years
Subsidy & Lending terms

Hand Book & Project report cost : Rs 1000 (No Discount)
Delivery mode/Time: Email and in 24 to 48 hours

PM me for Contact & Bank details and also for other queries.

Project Report with us:Goat/Dairy Farming | Teak, Agar & other trees Plantation | Banana Cultivation | UHD Mango Farm | ETC
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New Member


I am interested in this thread...

I am planning for a poultry farm in kerala. So could you please get me details of this book. how can i purchase this ?


you can contact me
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New Member
Dear Sir,

Iam intrested in this book please contact me so that I can send the payments.


Tomy Simon
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New Member
Require Project Report on Broiler Farming

I am looking for project report on broiler farming, is your report is for broiler farming, if yes then I will be interested to buy it.



Active Member
Broiler Farming project Report

i will prepared a comprehensive Broiler Farming Project Report Please Contact with the required number of birds and your total budget.
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Active Member
Inegrated broiler Farming

Dear Uttam

A Comprehensive Project report on Integrated Broiler Farming would be prepared The following are the requirements,

1.Size of the farm (no Birds you desire to rear)
2.Topography of land and total area.
3. Basic Infra structural felicities like, roads and approach to the farm, location,
water, Pollutant restriction in your area, Veterinary aid, availability of Feed concentrates Etc.
4.Forward integration Viz., Contract farming.
5. Your Budget.


New Member
poultry farming

I am planning to start a poultry farm. I want to purchase a book.
Pls contact me
Aneel babu
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New Member
How are you ? I have my land for poultry I want you come and join me for the business I have experience in poultry is very good business in senegal
