I am looking for farmland of 50 acres with or without any plantations. My expected cost is about Rs.50,000 to Rs.1,50,000 per acre in Chitoor/Puttur/Kalahasthi/Nellore and surrounding areas. Please do let me know if any of you have such lands.
Dear Sir,
I represent M/s Patron Agrisystems , Netherlands , in India and we are interested in appointing distributors for
our computerised Agri Greenhouses all over India. These hi tech Greenhouses help grow Hybreed fruits ,
Vegetables , flowers and other agricultural products in controlled conditions so that the yield is constant on a
yearly basis and the produce are insect free and of high quality.
The investment for distribution would be around 10 to 20 lakhs and we will help you set up a pilot Patron
computerised greenhouse farm for demo purpose.
In case you are interested in taking up distribution for your State kindly send me an email giving your business
profile so that I can arrange for a Skype video Conference with mr.Jelle Boeters , Patron ,Netherlands.
Thanking you,