Dear sir
Approximate Operatinal cost for Cultivation of prawns in one acre (Rs)
a) Cost of Prawn Seed @ Rs.0.60 per seed Nos. For 150000 per acre) 90000.00
b) Feed @ Rs.60/kg for 1000 kg , 90000.00
c) Chemicals and manures for pond preparation 3000.00
d) Fuel and electricity Rs.5000 per months 4 months 20000.00
e) Repairs and maintenance ,total Rs.10000 2000.00
f) Harvesting Rs. 3000 /- ac, Rs.41700/- 3000.00
g) Pond preparation Rs.5000 per pond 9 ponds 5000.00
Total 213000.00
For 50 cents Rs.106500.00
for further details please contact:
G.Ananda Rao (Ag)
Vijaya Agro consultants