Papaya cultivation in uttarakhand and up



New Member
Would appreciate any information on cultivation of papaya in Uttarakhand, UP and Rajasthan. Please advise cost of plantation and profit margins per hectare. Also, the minimum land requirement and its developement cost. What is the time period for the plantation to yield fruits.
Mrs. Anju Sharma -
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Papya Cultivation

Dear Mrs Anju Sharma, You may contact Mr. SWAMY. he is from South and a cultivator for papaya fruits. He may be able to help you out. His contact details are,
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Papaya Cultivation

Dear Mrs Anju Sharma,

You may also visit Agriculture forum farmnestdotcom for the information and posts related to Mr. Swamy.

If you will search the posts of Mr. Swamy at, you may find his details here too.

Please contact me . Ashweani Bhandari.
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Well-Known Member
Would appreciate any information on cultivation of papaya in Uttarakhand, UP and Rajasthan. Please advise cost of plantation and profit margins per hectare. Also, the minimum land requirement and its developement cost. What is the time period for the plantation to yield fruits.
Mrs. Anju Sharma -
In my opinion you should try the agriculture forums and also agriculture market related conferences.
