stevia Cultivation consultancy In M.P.



Well-Known Member
Stevia is one of the most profitable crops for the coming future. As the crop is only source of natural sweetner. The people are being less hard worker that why they need calorie free substitute of the sugar. The artificial sweetener are problematic for the long term consumption. In the countries like Japan and Korea stevia sweetener contribute 50% market share.

The stevia crop is propagated by the seedlings. We can provide you the stevia seedling (plants) .You will require the 30,000 seedlings per acre. We provide the complete consultancy from cultivation technology, planting material supply, nutrient management(manure ), water management( drip irrigation instalation),and the most important one the Buy back. We provide buyback before starting the cultivation to our growers so that they can be ensure at the marketing side.

Please contact us with the contact details with your complete query location and the current cropping system to my private message


Well-Known Member
Stevia Cultivation consultancy In M.P

Stevia is one of the most profitable crops for the coming future. As the crop is only source of natural sweetner. The people are being less hard worker that why they need calorie free substitute of the sugar. The artificial sweetener are problematic for the long term consumption. In the countries like Japan and Korea stevia sweetener contribute 50% market share.

The stevia crop is propagated by the seedlings. We can provide you the stevia seedling (plants) .You will require the 30,000 seedlings per acre. We provide the complete consultancy from cultivation technology, planting material supply, nutrient management(manure ), water management( drip irrigation instalation),and the most important one the Buy back. We provide buyback before starting the cultivation to our growers so that they can be ensure at the marketing side.

Please contact us with the contact details with your complete query location and the current cropping system to my private message.


New Member
Dear Sir.
Greetings of the Day ahead!!

We are looking for contract forming of STEVIA with Buy Back Agreement in Madhya Pradesh. Please provide mail ID & Mob. No . for further discussion

With regards,

Yours sincerely
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New Member
contract farming of stevia

Respected sir

I am interested for stevia cultivation in distt- morena madhyapradesh.
I want to know feasibility of cultivation of stevia in my region because in the months of may and June temperature reaches to 46degree centigrade and warm wind (i.e Loo) flows in my region.
is it will cultivated in polyhouse or green house
So kindly help the heedful.


Rss tomar


New Member
contract farming of stevia

Dear Sir.
Greetings of the Day ahead!!

We are looking for contract forming of STEVIA with Buy Back Agreement in Madhya Pradesh. Please provide mail ID & Mob. No . for further discussion

With regards,

Yours sincerely
I am agree for stevia cultivation


Active Member
Stevia is one of the most profitable crops for the coming future. As the crop is only source of natural sweetner. The people are being less hard worker that why they need calorie free substitute of the sugar. The artificial sweetener are problematic for the long term consumption. In the countries like Japan and Korea stevia sweetener contribute 50% market share.

The stevia crop is propagated by the seedlings. We can provide you the stevia seedling (plants) .You will require the 30,000 seedlings per acre. We provide the complete consultancy from cultivation technology, planting material supply, nutrient management(manure ), water management( drip irrigation instalation),and the most important one the Buy back. We provide buyback before starting the cultivation to our growers so that they can be ensure at the marketing side.

Organic Innovation (For details search google : Organic Innovation Stevia Cultivation) is organizing a Stevia (natural sugar plant) and Organic Cultivation Training Program on 22 September 2012.You can have complete guide to growing, harvesting, and marketing stevia leaves .Valuable information is compiled from growers, research trials, and the author’s own experience. Includes stevia leaf buyers, sellers, and other resources. Attendy could be individuals, Co-operates and rural farmers. Session includes market strategic, availability, future of medicinal plant,trading and export opportunities various knowledgeable information available for entrepreneur.


1.The complete information about commercial cultivation of medicinal plants and Stevia cultivation.
2.Before starting cultivation what parameters has to be taken?
3.Include field level primary processing /value addition activities.
4.Converting your business into small scale industries ?
5.On what parameters/standard Medicinal cultivation done?
6.Marketing aspects & services?
7.Profit percentage from single buyer and how much it is effective?
8.Guarantee of Buy back guarantor?
9.Certified plant saplings and seeds, surety of certification and standardization of material?
10.How can you choose any medicinal plants according to your place climate, Land soil and water availability?
11.List of Government certified & approved Herbal plants?
12.Climatically conditions, environmental improvement and soil improvement.
13.Employment to unemployed people?
14.Promotions of Herbal plants according to Government Schemes?
15.Medicinal farming through organic preparation?
16.Cultivation of Medicinal plants with minimum water level?
17.Safety about climatic diseases in Medicinal Herbs?
18.How to prepare nursery of Medicinal plants?
19.Subsidy from Central and State Government?
20.Formalities for Organic Certification?
21. Bankable projects and bank loan?


1.Vermicompost processing unit.
2.Stevia Farm Visit


Training Duration:- 1 day

Training Time:- 11:00 am to 4:00 pm

Training Place:- Guwahati

Training Type:- Residential Training
we provide stevia cultivation materials (Tissue culture plant, vermicompost, n¨¦em cake etc.) at low price with free cultivation training along with buy back agreement.

organic innovation


Active Member
Stevia Cultivation Process

Stevia is one of the most profitable crops for the coming future. As the crop is only source of natural sweetner. The people are being less hard worker that why they need calorie free substitute of the sugar. The artificial sweetener are problematic for the long term consumption. In the countries like Japan and Korea stevia sweetener contribute 50% market share.

The stevia crop is propagated by the seedlings. We can provide you the stevia seedling (plants) .You will require the 30,000 seedlings per acre. We provide the complete consultancy from cultivation technology, planting material supply, nutrient management(manure ), water management( drip irrigation instalation),and the most important one the Buy back. We provide buyback before starting the cultivation to our growers so that they can be ensure at the marketing side.

Organic Innovation (For details search google : Organic Innovation Stevia Cultivation[/U][/B]) is organizing a Stevia (natural sugar plant) and Organic Cultivation Training Program on 22 September 2012.You can have complete guide to growing, harvesting, and marketing stevia leaves .Valuable information is compiled from growers, research trials, and the author’s own experience. Includes stevia leaf buyers, sellers, and other resources. Attendy could be individuals, Co-operates and rural farmers. Session includes market strategic, availability, future of medicinal plant,trading and export opportunities various knowledgeable information available for entrepreneur.


1.The complete information about commercial cultivation of medicinal plants and Stevia cultivation.
2.Before starting cultivation what parameters has to be taken?
3.Include field level primary processing /value addition activities.
4.Converting your business into small scale industries ?
5.On what parameters/standard Medicinal cultivation done?
6.Marketing aspects & services?
7.Profit percentage from single buyer and how much it is effective?
8.Guarantee of Buy back guarantor?
9.Certified plant saplings and seeds, surety of certification and standardization of material?
10.How can you choose any medicinal plants according to your place climate, Land soil and water availability?
11.List of Government certified & approved Herbal plants?
12.Climatically conditions, environmental improvement and soil improvement.
13.Employment to unemployed people?
14.Promotions of Herbal plants according to Government Schemes?
15.Medicinal farming through organic preparation?
16.Cultivation of Medicinal plants with minimum water level?
17.Safety about climatic diseases in Medicinal Herbs?
18.How to prepare nursery of Medicinal plants?
19.Subsidy from Central and State Government?
20.Formalities for Organic Certification?
21. Bankable projects and bank loan?


1.Vermicompost processing unit.
2.Stevia Farm Visit


Training Duration:- 1 day

Training Time:- 11:00 am to 4:00 pm

Training Type:- Residential Training

we provide stevia cultivation materials (Tissue culture plant, vermicompost, n¨¦em cake etc.) at low price with free cultivation training along with buy back agreement.

organic innovation
