Stayed back in India to persue passion in agriculture



Well-Known Member
Mr. Harihara Sudhan returned back to India after compeleting his MS in engineering. He took a strong decision to stay back as India is his home and establsihed tree breeding centre near Coimbatore and Kaivalya, Garden centre in Chennai. After doing umpteen researches and travelling across the country now his company successfully offers various services like integrated farming projects, tree planting, agro forestry, commercial retail nursery for plants and trees, and landscape and design implementation.

Perikali Trading Company

Perikali Trading Company was established in 2004 in Anna Nagar, Chennai. The company offers various services like integrated farming projects, tree planting, agro forestry, commercial retail nursery for plants and trees, and landscape and design implementation. The company has its own tree breeding centre near Coimbatore, and a garden centre, Kaivalya, in Anna Nagar, Chennai. “I also help people setup both agricultural and agro forestry farms,” says Mr. Sudhan. He claims to use organic farming, farming according to the phases of the moon cycle, and bio control agents in his projects.

Gardening Services
Perikali services all kinds of gardens - from 100 sq ft balcony to 50,000 sq ft resort. “We have more than 1000 varieties at Kaivalya. We offers all kinds of outdoor plants, indoor plants, exotic plants, aquatic plants, trees, shrubs, climbers, creepers, bonsai and lawns,” maintains Mr. Sudhan, adding, “We source from various growers located all over the country and we propagate about 20% of the plants we have.”

Landscaping, Rock Gardens and Roof Gardens
Speaking about the landscape, rock gardens and roof gardens developed by Kaivalya, Mr. Sudhan says, “I try and address each site on its own terms. There are some sites that need a water body, others a rock garden. I have created lush Bali style gardens, arid gardens, Japanese gardens, English gardens, aquatic ponds and falls. It all depends upon the site, budget and the likes/dislikes of the client. I enjoy building roof gardens as they can really transform a terrace into a magical place.”

Garden Maintenance
Suggesting ways to better care for gardens, Mr. Sudhan says, “Right from propagation to planting, including correct watering cycle, good quality of water, good fertilizer and correct time of application, use of bio control agents, use of rooting hormones, use of portrays for seeding and choosing the right plant based on the zone, amount of sunlight it receives and also the hardiness, give better results.”

Regarding challenges faced in maintenance of gardens, Mr. Sudhan says, “We face a lot of challenges, the most common being the lack to fresh and pure water. Almost all our sources are deep bore wells, which contains a lot of dissolved salts, iron, carbonates and chlorides. This kind of water must be softened and treated before it is used for delicate plants. The temp in India during the summers as everyone knows can get extremely hot so the time spent in transit should always be kept to minimum.”

Investment for Nursery
When asked about the investment required to set up a nursery, Mr. Sudhan avers, “It depends upon the area where you want to establish the nursery. If you live in a city the costs will be more as all supplies and rent costs will be more expensive. The sales will be more and the margin will also be higher. A minimum of Rs. 5 lakhs will be required. In a rural area you can do so for Rs. 2 lakh. If you want to setup only a tree nursery in a rural area you can do so with just Rs. 1 Lakh. You must continually reinvest into your business to ensure you have a good inventory and that all your services are provided at top quality.”

Challenges Faced
Speaking about the major challenges faced by the company, he says, “Customers are not aware of the costs that go into the production and propagation of plants. They equate them with some sort of finished product. They do not understand that plants are a highly perishable life form and that the maintenance of them involves regular inputs like water, fertilizer, and insecticide, which cost money and time. In a day when a liter of petrol costs Rs. 70, many folks bargain for plants that cost just Rs. 30. So I think this is the biggest challenge where the public must become more aware of what a plant really is. The second biggest problem is a shortage of quality labor.” Perikali has a core team of 15 people and takes on temporary labor depending upon the project requirements.

Mr. Sudhan is a B.Tech (IT) and a M.S from University of Southern California, in computer science. “I have done courses in TNAU (Coimbatore), IWST (Bangalore), and CUGE (Singapore) and have also been associated with various institutions and departments like the forest department of TN. My career highlight is when my mother joined me in my business 3 years ago,” he adds.

Feel free to leave your feedback on this article. Also, post questions and query related to the services offered at Perikali Trading Company. Mr Sudhan shall and editorial team of will monitor and respond to your comments.


Well-Known Member
success in agriculture in india is a night mare. only the field person knows it.
This comment is not agrreable.
There are some issues at the downline of farming but mind you we still have sufficiient food grains and vegetaables better than China.
Of course!
Most of the rulers in the country are anti farmers right from DIDI to MODI.



Well-Known Member
This comment is not agrreable.
There are some issues at the downline of farming but mind you we still have sufficiient food grains and vegetaables better than China.
Of course!
Most of the rulers in the country are anti farmers right from DIDI to MODI.

Certainly, success in agriculture in India is not a nightmare. It is about right decisions. Explains Mr. Raghu Ram, Managing Consultant.
If you do agriculture with right understanding, sure you can make money. For example, you can make a minimum of Rs.50k/acre/annum from the cultivation of Papaya. You have to choose right crops to your farmland. You should have good investment. And in small plots, you cannot make profits. Compared to before 2006 situation, it is far better."

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Well-Known Member

Certainly, success in agriculture in India is not a nightmare. It is about right decisions. Explains Mr. Raghu Ram, Managing Consultant.
If you do agriculture with right understanding, sure you can make money. For example, you can make a minimum of Rs.50k/acre/annum from the cultivation of Papaya. You have to choose right crops to your farmland. You should have good investment. And in small plots, you cannot make profits. Compared to before 2006 situation, it is far better."

There need to be a constitutional amendment and legislation in parliament to make agriculture a mandatory subject for students above 15/ Pre university level for one full year/crop.

There must be a expert committee other thanthe hybridation Dr. M.S &co to explore the possibiity of sharing river water and dispose the disputes amongst the state govts without any legal fights in the streets.

Or else, All rivers be declared a national asset the similar one like National Highways authority of india.

All these issues will be amicabley solved only there is a REVOLUTION LIKE ............................not on Maoists pattern.
More importantly there must be a min. farm income in law and then only there will be enough farm labourers.

Modernised agro equipments should be provided to farmers without any charges so that farmers manage to concentrate on the field instead of running after APMC Goondas.

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Hats off to you for the bold move! Not many have the courage & character to give it all away in a promised land & make a new promise in their motherland. Very inspiring.

I live in Anna Nagar & have been to the Kaivalya nursery.Very beautiful. Have bought plants but I'm struggling to maintain my teeny-weeny garden in a smaaaall balcony. MORE of a sore thumb than a GREEn thumb I have!!

Anyways, I wish to start organic farming/ vegetable garden (atleeast) in a small area in chennai outskirts. I need some professional help. Will ur organisation be able to help? Contact details pls.
Can I approach the kaivalya staff??


Well-Known Member
High Value Medicinal Plants

Dear Mr. Sudhan,

You also deal in medicinal plants, in your opinion which are the high value medicinal plants and why?

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Well-Known Member
Neem based agri input solutions

Hello Mr. Sudhan,

Have you used neem based insecticide, pesticide or any other crop protection solution in your garden? If yes please let us know your experience with same. If no, why?

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Hats off to you for the bold move! Not many have the courage & character to give it all away in a promised land & make a new promise in their motherland. Very inspiring.

I live in Anna Nagar & have been to the Kaivalya nursery.Very beautiful. Have bought plants but I'm struggling to maintain my teeny-weeny garden in a smaaaall balcony. MORE of a sore thumb than a GREEn thumb I have!!

Anyways, I wish to start organic farming/ vegetable garden (atleeast) in a small area in chennai outskirts. I need some professional help. Will ur organisation be able to help? Contact details pls.
Can I approach the kaivalya staff??
Thank u Blue for your encouragement and kind words.
I will be glad to help you in your organic adventure.
You are most welcome to come and visit me in KAIVALYA.
Best wishes and Peace,


Hello again,

Have you used neem based insecticide, pesticide or any other crop protection solution in your garden? If yes please let us know your experience with same. If no, why?

Neem based products are excellent as a preventive measure. It can even work on some pathogens at an early stage but mostly it is not effective by itself when the target is will established.


New Member
Need advice on cash crop in Solar Farm

We have a Solar power plant, spread in 5 acres in guntur, andhra pradesh. All the solar panels are placed at 1.5 mts above the ground level on framed foundations.

Climate here is very hot in summer and humid in rest of the year.

There are about 2.5 meters wide "open to air" space between the solar panel rows.

We want to grow some cash crop in this spacing of 2.5 meters between the panels. Our idea is that these plants should help bring the temperature down for solar panels to perform better.

Plants should not grow more than one meter, as this will cause shades falling on the solar panels.

Crop should be able to grow under drip irrigation

Manpower used to be minimal

total cultivable land is around 3 acres.

Kindly give your suggestions and also give reasons for why you feel ur suggested crop is good for this requirement.

Thanks in advance

Balraj Khathri

Certainly, success in agriculture in India is not a nightmare. It is about right decisions. Explains Mr. Raghu Ram, Managing Consultant.
If you do agriculture with right understanding, sure you can make money. For example, you can make a minimum of Rs.50k/acre/annum from the cultivation of Papaya. You have to choose right crops to your farmland. You should have good investment. And in small plots, you cannot make profits. Compared to before 2006 situation, it is far better."

Yes Shweta,

Infact I feel one can make much better profit / acre if he blends agroiculture with technology, training and continuous improvement. I am from an Engineering field and doing very good business in Electrical Industry in Mumbai. Now parallely I am planning to put my steps in agriculture and in the past study of two years I have confirmed to get into agricultural business.



New Member
One of the Biggest Inspiration for me !!!

Dear Mr. Sudhan,

That was really inspiring and motivating.

I have done my B.TECH(IT) and right now working in abroad. I wanted to take up agriculture as my profession and also i want to do something for my country.

There is no motivation when we say that we need to take up Agriculture as our profession due to many various reasons. I am planning to work on those things soon as my financial commitments are stopping me right now.

Soon i will join your league and take up this as a Responsible Indian who cares about our Environment.



Well-Known Member
Agriculture in Tamil Nadu

success in agriculture in india is a night mare. but not in tamil nadu. For every business to know the result it will take two to three years to reach the break even point. In Agriculture u can yield in every season. A young man (aged 63) he is from Chennai having 20 years in garment industry owing 5 units entered into agriculture without knowing ABCD. He bought 40 acrs of land at a low cost. and developed modern agricultre. He planted samlings of mango 1500, cocanut 1000, seasonal vegetables, modern dairy with bufello 125 cows 50, small pountry. constructed 16000 ltrs overhead tank. got permission to taken water from river cauvery in tractors. transporting water from 12 kms. His total investment from the begining is 1.5 cr. He was been awarded as best farmer by the Collector of the dist. His farm is model for tamilnadu. Persons from IT visiting his unit for study.

Now he is 67, after 4 years, the value of project is 8 cr. US buyers demanding him for immediate settlment to buy the developed land.

You decide, whether Agriculture is profitable in tamil nadu of not.



Well-Known Member
success in agriculture in india is a night mare. but not in tamil nadu. For every business to know the result it will take two to three years to reach the break even point. In Agriculture u can yield in every season. A young man (aged 63) he is from Chennai having 20 years in garment industry owing 5 units entered into agriculture without knowing ABCD. He bought 40 acrs of land at a low cost. and developed modern agricultre. He planted samlings of mango 1500, cocanut 1000, seasonal vegetables, modern dairy with bufello 125 cows 50, small pountry. constructed 16000 ltrs overhead tank. got permission to taken water from river cauvery in tractors. transporting water from 12 kms. His total investment from the begining is 1.5 cr. He was been awarded as best farmer by the Collector of the dist. His farm is model for tamilnadu. Persons from IT visiting his unit for study.

Now he is 67, after 4 years, the value of project is 8 cr. US buyers demanding him for immediate settlment to buy the developed land.

You decide, whether Agriculture is profitable in tamil nadu of not.

Dear Shajathali,

Thanks for bringing this success story at this forum. Can you please share more details so that readers who are not sure of success in Agriculture can take some inputs from his success.



Well-Known Member
It is true agriculture is the base of all employment. The agriculture produce is primary requirement of the Human. The demand will never setter. There is no alternate of agriculture. Agriculture is Unique and It will remain Unique.


New Member
What would be the right time to meet you?

Hi Mr.Hari,

Very nice to hear your success story. I have an agri farm, would like to visit your farm and like to know on the medicinal plantation. What would be the right time to meet you and doesit require any prior appointment. Pls confirm as i stay in Blore and visit chennai twice in a month.



Well-Known Member
Mr. Karsanbhai G Patel from Tripod Farms in Ankleshwar, Gujarat shares his views saying -

"I can say here there is lot of unemployment today for the educated people, they can start their own agri business like cultivating land something else, there are so many agriculture land activities available for them. They can use their education to bring in the much required change in the agriculture to make it a smooth functioning operations. And if government can help them either in the cooperative way or either private way and assist them in doing the business I think there is very good future. "


Active Member
Agriculture is nightmare or prospect

Both are not correct. Agriculture is prospective profession for those who deal in this as middle man or trader or absentee landlord who just come at harvest, collect his share and depart. Agriculture is a nightmare for those who actually till the land and probably get low income in spite of bumper yield because of glut in market or low income due to lesser yield due to monsoon failure or some other risk inherent in agriculture. You know nearly 60% of our arable lands are rainfed without assured irrigation water.May be some where here and there some farmers may realize profit occasionally but not always.further now a days the central govt policy on employment ie, Mahatmagandhi National rural Employment guarantee programme has enlisted all rural folk and these are all really farm laborer who are not doing any work in any of the farm.Now labor cost along with labor problem cripple the farm activities. A small example here is that the govt has fixed price for sugarcane @ Rs.2200/ Tonne. You see the harvesting charge per tonne is Rs.900-1000, almost 50% of the price.After deducting land preparation cost, labour for cultural operations, inputs, transport etc., the net profit per ton of sugarcane to the farmer in a year is Just Rs.300-400. If the farmer gets 40 tonnes yield per acre, his net profit is just 16,000. If you divide 16000 by 12, then the farmers' monthly income is Rs.1333/ acre. You take some other crop say vegetable like tomato.Due to technology he may harvest huge yield say even 50 MT in lieu of normal yield of 15-20 MT/acre.Here the problem is when he make 1 st harvest the selling price of tomato per kg is Rs.5-10 and when next harvest is done the price falls down to a throw away price of Rs.1/kg.
Like wise if you raise medicinal crop the farmers themselves are not preparing drug or medicine from his grown up crop. He happens to sell his produce to the fixed price which the company purchase from the farmers do not always fix on higher side. Here onlly the company and manufacturing company realize the real profit. there are many example we can quote in Indian Agriculture.

This is the true case with majority of the Indian farmers which counts this topic being discussed.



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shrushti hitech

Shrushti Hitech & Agriculture Development
Add :-Vishwa Empire Office No .47 ,Baramati ,Dist-Pune Maharashtra .Pin-413102 09403967696, 09890769945

Introduction of The Company

Is a organization established to render the service to the respected farmers, a backbone of Indian economy?
The establishment is made after the one year’s continual efforts of promoters & their sister concern in the agriculture & allied field.

We are broadly in the consultation in Hitech Floriculture And Horticulture & Turnkey Project in Poly House Construction for the farmers residing in the Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka Gujarat & Rajasthan Delhi, state to provide various services in the field of agriculture.

We also Supply of Floriculture & Horticulture plants. Manufacture in Soil Application Foliar products for the Agriculture sector, while promoting the organic farming concept. The company has efficient, cost effective products of International standards. The products have been established for their efficacies for over one year. The Company believes in eco-safety, high quality & efficacious products, intensive customer & end user training & consistent after- sale service. We have our registered office at Dist Pune Baramati, Maharashtra.

Shrushti Hitech & Agriculture Development
