Can some one help me with a breakdown of costs to maintain a 10 Acer Arabica Coffee Plantation.
For example please see below:
When should we start the maintenance after Picking is over
How should the maintenance be started
Cost of Manure & at what durations it should be put to the plants
Cost of Lime to be sprayed & at what intervals
Any diseases that we need to be concerned about? Which will spoil the crop?
Anything else that would be useful for me to know, as we are planning to buy an estate in Chickmangalore area.
Your help is most appreciated.
Can some one help me with a breakdown of costs to maintain a 10 Acer Arabica Coffee Plantation.
For example please see below:
When should we start the maintenance after Picking is over
How should the maintenance be started
Cost of Manure & at what durations it should be put to the plants
Cost of Lime to be sprayed & at what intervals
Any diseases that we need to be concerned about? Which will spoil the crop?
Anything else that would be useful for me to know, as we are planning to buy an estate in Chickmangalore area.
Your help is most appreciated.