For Country chicken farming

Need breeds like Swarnadhara,Giriraja or any other good chiken breeds for commercial farming.Please let me know if anyone can guide/Supply.

giriraj chicks

i can supply u giriraj breeds for commercial farming.Please let me know quantity u require and destination place
thank u

Griraja chicks

i can supply u giriraj breeds for commercial farming.Please let me know quantity u require and destination place
thank u
I belong to Rajasthan and am interested in Giriraja chicks and Swararn dhara. Please send me PM for further step. Thanks.

I am interested in getting Chicks or grown up breeds of Giriraja,Vanaraja,RIR.Inititially I will be needing about 50-100 but once I find it is profitable,then I will go for mass sace.My farm is at Kolhapur,I shall pay for transportaion,no problem.Please advice

i want 500 giriraja chiken

i am from visakhapatnam, i want 500 giri raja chikens , please give anyone contact details mail id
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