Dairy Farmer from Hindupur


What exactltly are you looking for?.I sent my contact in PM.

Iam not looking for investors or consultants.

Iam looking for dairy farmers who can give guidance, suggestions and advise, since iam new to this field.
iam looking for people in and around My native place



Active Member
Iam not looking for investors or consultants.

Iam looking for dairy farmers who can give guidance, suggestions and advise, since iam new to this field.
iam looking for people in and around My native place

for a free advice contact National Dairy Research Institute, Adugodi, Bangalore-560030.

Hi Mohan, am from anantapur, thinking to start cattle farm. Before starting i need to get trained or want to visit any farms to gather information.

If you have started please let me know, so once I want to visit your farm.

Thanks & Regards,
VidyaSagar B

Dear Sir,

Please let me know when is next dairy training schedule at NDRI Bangalore

Thanks & Regards


dairy farming near hindupur

What exactltly are you looking for?.I sent my contact in PM.
hello everyone...i have a small dairy farm near hindupur.i just want to know if there are any milk cooperative society were i can sell my milk.or which is the nearest place near hindupur were i can sell my milk...
