Dear rajeev,
why you are feeling/thinking about what swamy's writeup is discouraging the new comers......why can't think it is as a dear caution or pre information about diffiiculties about commercial dairy farming..to get filtered the peoples who are thinking easily,it can be set up like rice mill/software company/like any other commercial industries by geting reports,opinions,catlogue,drawings,suggestions etc.,
As rightly said by swamy, in vast subject/activity like agriculture the most committed,patience,dedicated,alert and hard work expecting activity is livestock farming that to running a commercial dairy farming is a endless efforts/interest/involvement activity. Dairy farming seting up on commercial basis is more than a challenging.
Now-a-day's we can see, so many peoples posting about quiery ,shows interest to start up new dairy farming and in that most of them will be thinking , deciding to get into commercial dairy bussiness based on mouth to mouth spreaded illusions,attractive subsidy anouncement websites, glorified reports of some type of consultants(not all) instead of not understanding the real inside pressing problems of the dairy farm.
You can check ...,how many of commercial dairy farms are survived on state wise of more than 10 years, 5 years ( old )and mean time check up how many of dairy farms closed down within 1-2 year and find out the reasons.
In commercial dairy farming, you will come to know about the acrued losses only after months/1 year and the investment done can't be taken back except some part of amount , by disposal of herds or can't be continued just like that, if u are not analysed your capabilities/difficulties in advance.
If u unerstand the negative details....possitive things just follow it....!!
all the best,