For agri loan details

Respected sir

I am karthick kumar , i have completed my MBA , i have own land Morethan

5 acre i need a Bank loan for the our family development. please give a

references Bank loan details . thank you .


Well-Known Member

PLease prepare a project report as to what do you want to cultivate in the 5 acre land and then submit it to the nationalised banks or NAbard for loan sanction.




Established Member
Expert Member
bank loan

Dear Karthik,
First you have to inform where is your land is it only 5 acres, if not how much.. Do you want to do full time agriculture.

Now what is investment size you want to plan. For very small investment you need not prepare any project report.

To give correct picture give these full details and also what is the income you are expecting let me know.

Respected sir

I am karthick kumar , i have completed my MBA , i have own land Morethan

5 acre i need a Bank loan for the our family development. please give a

references Bank loan details . thank you .
