1. A pvt ltd company has to be registered with ROC, it is compulsory and all formalities have to be observed.
2. companies can not own agri land( in karnataka ) ie can not purchase agri land, leasing agri land is also not permitted,you have to look at other options to satisfy the law.
3.As a company you are doing dairy business so mostly it is taxable. However,if any CA is able place his arguement with IT officials that it is agriculture and not business, income tax will be waived, rare thing. I think you should not look at tax angle while doing business at this stage.As you progress one can plan for IT management.
4. As a comapny you can not think of 20 cows farm it has to be atleast 200 to 250 cows then all equations change.You must sit with a good project consultant to fix the size and other aspects of the projects.
We can help you from company formation to full set up and run stage, and provide land for big project at reasonably low cost.
anil patil
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