Loan for Dairy Farm

I want to start Dairy Farm.

Please inform how can I get loan and which Govt bodies are responsible for disbursment of loan for this activity.

Can I get loan to buy land also?


I want to start Dairy Farm.

Please inform how can I get loan and which Govt bodies are responsible for disbursment of loan for this activity.

Can I get loan to buy land also?

you can approach any nationalised bank. the IOB is helping small and medium farmers owning their own land and place to develop a mini dairy are eligible subject to fulfilling bank may also contact the concerned lead bank in your area.

Start regard dairy farm

dear sir/madem
I am a BE/MBA graguate, i am planning to start the dairy farm with 20 to 50 cows, and i have some money and 4 acre own land and 4 acre in hand one more land 2 flat land with house, i am seriously doing project about this business, i want property against loan amount of 15, 00, 000/- OR AGRI BANK LOAN OR ANY OTHER FINANCIAL HELP TO ME pls help to me, , thanking you
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