Turmeric leaf spots



New Member
Recently I have noticed dark rust coloured small dots and then it leads to patches on turmeric leaves, and after sometime the leaves turns yellow and eventually dries.Kindly advise if this is a disease or a natural process. If its is some disease then also please suggest remedy.

Really appreciate your concern and feedback.


Well-Known Member


It might be leaf blotch or leaf spot

Leaf blotch
The disease is caused by Taphrina maculans.
It appears as small, oval, rectangular or irregular brown spots on either side of the leaves which soon become dirty yellow or dark brown.The leaves also turn yellow.
In severe cases the plants present a scorched appearance and the rhizome yield is reduced.

The disease can be controlled by spraying the plants with mancozeb 0.2%.

Leaf spot
The disease is caused by Colletotrichum capsici.
It appears as brown spots of various sizes on the upper surface of the young leaves.The spots are irregular in shape, whitish or grayish in the centre.
Later two or more spots may coalesce and form an irregular patch covering almost the whole leaf.
The affected leaves eventually dry up.
The rhizomes do not develop well.

The disease can be controlled by spraying the plants with zineb 0.3% or Bordeaux mixture 1%.



Well-Known Member
Leaf Blotch

It appears that it's leaf blotch.

Following are Control measures

Seed material should be selected from disease free areas.
Seed material should be treated with Dithane M -45 @ 3g/litre of water or Bavistin @ 1 g/litre of water.
Seed material should be dipped for 30 minutes in the fungicidal solution and should be shade-dried before sowing.
The disease is effectively controlled by spraying Dithane M-45 @ 2.5 g/litre of water or Bavistin 1g/litre , 2-3 sprayings should be given at fortnightly intervals or Carbendazim (1g/lit) or Mancozeb (2.5g/lit) mixed wits 1ml Sandovit can be sprayed 2-3 times.
The infected and dried leaves should be collected and burnt in order to reduce the inoculum source in the field.
Spraying Blitox or blue copper at 3 g/l of water was found effective against leaf blotch.
Crop rotations should be followed whenever possible


turmeric cultivation

Sir, r u doing organic farming? these type of problems can be avioded.

Healthy plants are not affected by these things



Well-Known Member
Recently I have noticed dark rust coloured small dots and then it leads to patches on turmeric leaves, and after sometime the leaves turns yellow and eventually dries.Kindly advise if this is a disease or a natural process. If its is some disease then also please suggest remedy.

Really appreciate your concern and feedback.
Dear sir,
In this concern,firstly our technical expert will visit your farm and we will
give you suggestion after close observation and according to symptoms.
please contact us!!!!
