Goat Farming



New Member
I was planning to go in for Goat Farming can somebody help in in understanding how and where to begin with.

Thare is no constraint of farm land.


Well-Known Member

Initially please viivt a nearby goat farm for practical exposure.

Goat is known as ‘Poor man’s cow’ in India and is a very important component in dry land farming system. Marginal or undulating lands unsuitable for other types of animals like cow or buffalo, goat is the best alternative. With very low investments goat rearing can be made in to a profitable venture for small and marginal farmers.

Reasons to start

* Low capital investment and quick return
* Simple and small shed is enough
* Profitable under stall fed condition.
* High prolific rate of goats
* Year around job
* meat is lean & has low fats and is liked by all people
* Can be sold and encashed anytime

Lots of breeds suitable to each region. Visit the animal husbandry department for the breeds of that region.
Selection of goats for breeding


* should have kidding size of 2- 3 kids
* should mature at 6- 9 months


* Tall with broad chest and slender body
* matures at age of 9- 12 months
* Select kids with good body weight at 6 months of age
* select from dam of 2- 3 kidding size

# Grazing along with concentrate feeding gives maximum growth rate
# Feeding protein rich green fodder such as acacia, leucerne and cassava and are important sources of dietary nitrogen.
# Farmers can cultivate agathi, subabul and glaricidia trees along the border of the farm and used as green fodder
# Fodders and trees cultivated in one acre of land is enough to feed 15-30 goats



help for goat farming

Dear Sir
There is a social organisation called Best Foundation in Pondicherry helping the farmers to go in for goat farming.Its services are for the farmers in Pondicherry and Tamil Nadu.
The following are the services offered by Best Foundation to the farmers.
1. Training the farmers for the integrated livestock and agricultural farming.
2. Getting loans from the Banks.
3. Helping the farmers to cultivate the fodder crops.
4. Guiding the farmers to build the proper sheds.
5. Supplying the healthy animals for breeding.
6. Providing concentrate feed to the farmers.
7. Arranging insurance for sheds, animals and farmers.
8. Giving veterinary care monthly.
9. Sending monthly stock reports to the Banks.
10. Selling the animals in high prices.
11. Depositing the sales amount in the farmers’ accounts.
12. Helping the farmers to go in for the expansion.
Youmay contact Best Foundation:
With best wishes
Philip Benis
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I was planning to go in for Goat Farming can somebody help in in understanding how and where to begin with.

Thare is no constraint of farm land.
Please provide your location and infrastructrue.

Please contact...
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need details

Dear Sir
There is a social organisation called Best Foundation in Pondicherry helping the farmers to go in for goat farming.Its services are for the farmers in Pondicherry and Tamil Nadu.
The following are the services offered by Best Foundation to the farmers.
1. Training the farmers for the integrated livestock and agricultural farming.
2. Getting loans from the Banks.
3. Helping the farmers to cultivate the fodder crops.
4. Guiding the farmers to build the proper sheds.
5. Supplying the healthy animals for breeding.
6. Providing concentrate feed to the farmers.
7. Arranging insurance for sheds, animals and farmers.
8. Giving veterinary care monthly.
9. Sending monthly stock reports to the Banks.
10. Selling the animals in high prices.
11. Depositing the sales amount in the farmers’ accounts.
12. Helping the farmers to go in for the expansion.
Youmay contact Best Foundation:
With best wishes
Philip Benis
Shall i get the address for best foundation

Please contact..
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Senior Member
Dear Sir,
This is Mustafa from Hyderabad. Nice to see nowadays more people in this goat business.
Here are some tips for you brother.
Before starting the goat farming it is very essential to acquire goat management skills as this will help you in knowing the advantages of goat farming over sheep farming or other small ruminants like rabbit, different types of goat breeds in India and which breeds will be more suitable and can survive in your environment of Climate, types of farming but I recommend you to do semi intensive farming as less usage of fodder can be used from land and animals can get exercise also, feeding schedule, breeding methods such folk system, pen system and Artificial Insemination, types of diseases like PPR, ET, Goat Pox that will effect goats, labour and fodder management and many more Management Styles.

We are showing our interested in working with you on your project, we can not only supply you good and certified quality of Osmanabadi goats @ 150 Rs / kg which can suit your Climate but also we can act as your Design and Supervision Consultant and help you to Design a sustainable and economical shed, planting various type of fodder according to season and availability of land, giving you De worming and Vaccination Schedule, 24 x7 Service and many more service as agreed.
Here are the advantages of Osmanabadi Goats over other goats
1- These goats are native of Osmanabad which enjoys its border with A.P; Osmanabad has similar type of climate as some parts of A.P and Karnataka. These goats are also showing a very good performance in all the state as per the survey conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kedra. We are dealing weekly 10-15 inquiries from Oman and Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain which are more than 3000 Km from Osmanabad and also from Haryana, Punjab, U.P, Rajasthan and Southern & Central States regarding this Breed .

2- Osmanabadi goat shows a very efficient reproductive performance and resistance against diseases not only in well managed semi stall feeding system but also in severe drought conditions. As per research conducted by NARI on Osmanabadi Goats in Maharashtra, in spite of drought which occurred in 2007 and 2008, there was no drop in the productivity rate of Osmanabad goat.

3- The age at the first kidding is around 15 months with the lactation length of around 130 days. The dressing percentage varies from 55- 60 %. In favourable conditions the does will breed twice a year, twinning is common and the milk yield ranged form 700 gm to 1500 gm.

4- From 30 kg live weight, you will get 20-22 kg of meat. In this 7-10 kg loss is due to non edible part of meat like Viscera, Hide, etc.

5- The leather of osmanabadi goat is fairly of good quality and its meat is preferred by majority of the rural and urban population in southern India.

6- In the end the weight of 6 months of Kid will be 22-25 Kg in well managed farm.
If you need any help and more details, please let me know,
