can any one provide practical cd of banana tissueculture

sir i am planning to grow tissue culture banana plantation in my coconut farm .the coconut trees do have a distence of 30 feet between them.well can any one provide the practical cd of banana plantation regarding how to grow them with the literature.

correct approach

Dear Sridhar,

Growing banana is a tight rope walk in a way although to start with it looks very simple and there are dozens of "fair weather friends" helping and advising till you till you start losing your crop then they vanish. Correct cultivation cost is about Rs 80/- for the first year per plant. Do a serious job look for a experienced but definitely qualified consultant as returns are high. Also go for minimum 6 to 10 acres cultivation. Do not waste time and money in learning and experimenting such learning is not sufficient for venturing. Sorry for being straight forward.

sir i am planning to grow tissue culture banana plantation in my coconut farm .the coconut trees do have a distence of 30 feet between them.well can any one provide the practical cd of banana plantation regarding how to grow them with the literature.

Exercising restraint would be appreciated

While your point is appreciated, being ‘straight forward’ should not mean casting unrestrained and aggressive aspersions on fellow members of community who share specific information sought by those who are not aware and such information given is only to help them.

- Phytica

Dear Sridhar,

Growing banana is a tight rope walk in a way although to start with it looks very simple and there are dozens of "fair weather friends" helping and advising till you till you start losing your crop then they vanish. Correct cultivation cost is about Rs 80/- for the first year per plant. Do a serious job look for a experienced but definitely qualified consultant as returns are high. Also go for minimum 6 to 10 acres cultivation. Do not waste time and money in learning and experimenting such learning is not sufficient for venturing. Sorry for being straight forward.
