Organic Silica enriched fertilizer



Active Member
Best quality organic fertilizer enriched with silicon capable of converting itself into Mono-silicic acid and suitable to increase nutrient uptake by the plant is available. This is the only product available in India today which can completely replace Chemical fertilizers. THE BEST WAY TO ADOPT ORGNIC FARMING.
Contact: 9552132674
Place : Pune- Maharastra

make at home ur own,SILICON,Biostimulant,Micronutrient,Humic,Amino , Sticker etc

Farmers now u can manufacture at HOME following Products i.e.:Biostimulant,Micronu trient,SILICON,Sticker, Humic/Amino Acid,,Nitrobenzene etc.We can provide u complete traing for the same in 1 day.for details call, Mumbai: Please contact..
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intersted in the same

Best quality organic fertilizer enriched with silicon capable of converting itself into Mono-silicic acid and suitable to increase nutrient uptake by the plant is available. This is the only product available in India today which can completely replace Chemical fertilizers. THE BEST WAY TO ADOPT ORGNIC FARMING.
Contact: 9552132674
Place : Pune- Maharastra

can you please let me know the price per kg

using organic fertilizers from past 6 years

Silicon fertilizers

Dear Sir,
The rate per bag of 25kg pack is Rs.500/-. The recommended dose is 100kg per acre of land for general improvisation of land fertility. The right dosage for each crop is to be applied for optimum results.

We Give the Silicon farrming Training...If any one want can contact me at infoepwo(@)gmail(dot)com
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Do you need Organic rice (Rice healthy family) ??
if you like you may visit HERE
give advice or comment !!! ^_^ THANKS
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Dear Sir,

I would like to know the nitrobenzene details for Cotton procedure for usage (I have 99.0 purity Lab grade )
