Question Cost of fencing



New Member
Can somebody give me an estimate of what would be the cost of fencing?

The property in Salem, Tamil Nadu question is about 11 acres, with perimeter length of about 4,100 ft.

I would like to put in barbed wire fence supported on granite poles placed about 25 ft apart and having in between six rows of barbed wire with two inter-crossed barbed wires.


New Member
I will give some detail about fencing ,from this parameters you can calculate the cost.

1. 8 feet Height Stone Post Cost Rs. 230.00 (Special)...Rs.190 (Ordinary)
( Every 10 feet put 1 post and give two support stones on every 5th post.)
You can calculate as follows: Length Say 1000 feet /10 = 100 Posts
for 100 posts, we need 20 supports X 2 Posts ............= 40 Posts
TOTAL........= 140 Post/1000 feet.

2. Barbed Wire:
12 x 14 Gauge price per Kg.Rs.61.00 ( 1 Kg runs for 25 feet)
12 x 12 "" "" ""' "" "" Rs.58.00("""" """"""" "" 22 Feet)
14 x14 """" """"" """"" "" Rs.63.00("""" """"" """ 40 Feet)

3. Labor charges for complete work. Rs.80.00 per stone ( including supports)


can somebody give me an estimate of what would be the cost of fencing?

The property in salem, tamil nadu question is about 11 acres, with perimeter length of about 4,100 ft.

I would like to put in barbed wire fence supported on granite poles placed about 25 ft apart and having in between six rows of barbed wire with two inter-crossed barbed wires.
hello sir,
kindly try solar fencing, with three or four rows and each stone 15 feet apart to avoid cattle and human interference., which is most cost effective etc.
Thanking you
s a s prasad


Well-Known Member
Solar fencing

Dear sir,

kindly go for solar fencing sysytem.its very effcetive one and 100% safe your crop and property.The cost of the solar fencing is equilant to barnared iron fencing.for example the solar fencing company will charge Rs 155/- per meter .Now you can calculate the expense for your land

for more details plz contact us ;

A Sivakumar
Priya Nursery Garden


Hello Sir
kindly try angle foudation Fencing system.fabrication and fixing Barbed Wire fencing tied with the vertical poast of 50x50x6 thick@2.5m c/c,including angle foundation concrete,angle painting and site levelling.(inciding labour &materials)
Per Raning meter Rs.650. (Raning feet Rs.198)

Contact please...
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Thank you for the valuable information, also please give calculations for GI mesh net

I will give some detail about fencing ,from this parameters you can calculate the cost.

1. 8 feet Height Stone Post Cost Rs. 230.00 (Special)...Rs.190 (Ordinary)
( Every 10 feet put 1 post and give two support stones on every 5th post.)
You can calculate as follows: Length Say 1000 feet /10 = 100 Posts
for 100 posts, we need 20 supports X 2 Posts ............= 40 Posts
TOTAL........= 140 Post/1000 feet.

2. Barbed Wire:
12 x 14 Gauge price per Kg.Rs.61.00 ( 1 Kg runs for 25 feet)
12 x 12 "" "" ""' "" "" Rs.58.00("""" """"""" "" 22 Feet)
14 x14 """" """"" """"" "" Rs.63.00("""" """"" """ 40 Feet)

3. Labor charges for complete work. Rs.80.00 per stone ( including supports)
Thank you for the valuable information, also please give calculations for GI mesh net and
the comparison between GI barbed wire and the meshnet

Thank you once again
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