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Mr. Madhavan Ellappan on "How to set up mango processing unit - Investment and economics"

Mr. Madhavan Ellappan is the CEO in Paiyur Group of Companies in Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu. They are into mango pulp manufacturing since 1996 having 3 aseptic units and 4 canning units. They procure 50,000- 60,000 tons of mangoes per year and 10,000 MT of guava and other fruits. Mr. Madhavan Ellappan is the General Secretary of Krishnagiri-Dharmapuri Dist. Vegetable Processors Association and President of Paiyur Panchayat. Mr. Madhavan Ellappan says that they procureĀ  75% mango directly from farmers to avoid mandi and broker commissions. They process 25,000 – 30,000 MT of mango pulp per year out of which 50% is exported and other 50% supplied in domestic market. To know more view

Meeting was held on: October 27, 2020 3:00 pm
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