Where to get biggest coconut bearing saplings in India?



Can anyone suggest me the right place to buy the Coconut saplings that can yield a very large size coconuts?

I had travelled to Costa Rica and was surprised to see the size of the coconut grown there. It was almost two and half the size of coconuts than what I have seen in Bangalore and sorrounding areas.

Any suggestion is highly appreciated.


What I heard is the biggest coconut is available in India is somehwere in Rajamandri in AP. It's called Ganga Bhavani Variety, it is used only for tender coconut pupose. I am thinking to get some and try out.


Active Member
There is a tall variety from Srilanka that has very big nuts. It is not planted for commercial purposes. It has only three to five nuts per bunch. It is available only in select nurserys in south India.
