Wheat Scourer, Degerminator and Flour Mill Machine Introduction


joanna yan

Senior Member
Raw grains are soaked for 1-4 hours till it contains 3-4% moisture. Then horizontal wheat scourer with the mace is used to strike and push them. The wheat scourer for FLOUR MILL MACHINE with power over 45kw, is over pressured, resulting in a worn-out of sieve plate. Thus it will affect quality of the grits and flour by flour mill machine as the largely crushed germs are mixed with endosperms, making it difficult to separate.

Another half dry determinator is changed from wheat huller with washboard inside to striking board inside and renamed as hulling and determination machine to decrease manufacturing costs. Operation principles and products are similar to horizontal wheat scourer.

All dry vertical rubbing determinator DTP-100*75, with rotor and toothed plate stator inside, instantly strikes the wheat into 4 parts, moisture content ≤15%, and separates the endosperm and germs at a low speed. Then the germs are selected by gravity air system after the mixture is discharged.
The flour mill machine is used to grind wheat into flour as your requirements.
see more information on Win Tone Flour Mill Machine
contact me through wintone10@wintonemachinery.com
