What rate does to cow & buffallo milk fetch when sold to dairies or KMF, etc



New Member
What is the current price at which the dairies buy the milk from small farming units. If its sold directly to the market, then we get around 30/- but what if we give it to societies, dairy companies, KMF etc .. ? What is the price given for us for cow and buffallo's milk ? Is it good to give to them or sell directly to houses


Well-Known Member
If you give it to the socieities/ dairy coop. they pay as per fat content in your animal milk also they pay either weekly or fortnightly while if you sell directly you can get direct cash from the buyers. It also depends upon the quantity of milk your animal produces, their supply chain management i.e. whether you have enough storage capacity or not. In India, 80 % of the milk producers, sell directly.
