What permissions needed to start a dairy farm?



New Member
HELLO Sir/Madam,
Iam M Charan Kumar studying btech in chennai . Iam intrested to sell milk and milk products. I dont have land,cows,buffaloes.Initially iam having a small plan of selling milk.The plan is i will get the milk from villages with less cost and i sell it for a profit of three rupees.If i succeed in it,then i will buy land,cows buffaloes etc.I want to know what are the permissions to get that i have to get from government for intial stage.What are the permissions i have to get for dairy form,where ihave to get those permissions.I want the suggestions to start my business.


Dear Charan
No permission is required from anyone for collecting milk from dairy farmers and selling and earning profit. But it is a tedious job since milk is a perishable commodity. It seems you are interested in self employment rather than seeking a job after your B Tech. There are number of ways of earning money through self employment. Since you are in Tamil Nadu production of Spirulina , mushroom cultivation, cultivation of vegetables using hydroponics which does not require more land could be some of the options. In a small piece of land you can have nursery of flower and fruit plants. How is financial position of your family ? If your family is dependent on you then better look for a job initially , take up these activities along with your job like rearing one cow first etc will help you to take care of your family and yourself. Best wishes . It depends on the financial condition of your family and yours. If you still have questions email to marpally8@gmail.com


Well-Known Member
No permissions are required , Please contact us for guidance and for project reports:

G Ananda Rao , Ex Agricultural Officer & Agricultural Banker, Vijaya Agro consultants, vijayawada , AP, 97036128495, garao56@gmail.com
