What hapens to the male Jersy calves?

Hello all,
I am kind of very close to start up a dairy farm. I have a question which bothers me a lot. Male calves are useless, and not used by farmers for pulling carts, or ploughing etc.
What happens to them? Every article I read so far about dairy farming, never say anything about the calves. Should one has to kill his conscience to get into this business?
Thanks to everyone in addvance.
Wilson Nadar


Senior Member
Dear Wilson,
Its true that non pedigreed male calves of Bos Tauros Species (including Holstein, Jersey and Brown Swiss) have a lesser market value than male calves of indian dual purpose breeds like haryana, tharparker etc, but they are used to pull carts known as Buggi in local language. You can see crossbreed bullocks pulling buggies all around UP, Haryana, Punjab and other northern states. So it is not true that male calves of crossbreed cows are useless as they do contribute to the economy by way of their animal power. Also, dairy farming is all about breeding and rearing calves and hence no dairy farm can grow without rearing calves whether male or female.

Thanx and regards,

Model Dairy Farm,
Naramau, G.T. road, Kanpur – 209217 (India)
Phone: 09936286478 , 09936296361.
Email: prateekvaish@yahoo.com
visit us on web : www.modeldairyfarm.com


dear wilson,
in india bos tauras bulls(jersy,h&f etc)are not suitable for draft purpose.it can't withstand heat and prone to many diseases,hence 95% of the male calves are sent to slaughther houses.
E.N.Siva senapathy
Please contact..
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