Wellness Revolution Products at Jeevanseva , India



At, we owe our success to the concern we have for the health of the society. Indeed health is the most neglected aspect of our lives today and Jeevanseva stands firm and resolute to address this through health-related products. Jeevanseva believes in reaching out to the grass root, therefore every product introduced are consciously made available at a reachable price, hence enabling people of all sections to reap benefits.
Any solution can be found in nature – This strong assertion is of course backed by comprehensive research and we, at Jeevanseva respect and adopt this as our core philosophy. And thus we lay emphasis on health based products and prescribe this as the best solution available. Nature-based herbal products offer a permanent solution by often getting to the root cause of the problem, and hence are preferred world wide.

Jeevanseva is the first company in India to realize and introduce the GLP (Good Laboratory Practices) and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) - International Standard Products. With a thought to spread its wings and transcend to yet another successful venture prompted Jeevanseva to collaborate with the Malaysian iconic DNG Group of companies.
From the past few decades, the DNG Group of companies recognizes a need to weave a quality healthy world around through its generic pharmaceutical products, traditional herbal medicine, cosmetics, food supplements and health supplements. It’s indeed the power of two, a like-minded alliance with a sole intention to improve the quality of life by offering the much required health solutions.

‘A healthy society can be built only by healthy people’ – Jeevanseva believes in this dictum and realizes the importance of leading a healthy and prosperous life.

The primary intention behind this initiative is to take the lifestyle altogether to a new level. Jeevanseva have set up health stores, business centers and retail outlets at different places to make avail these miraculous products to the people of India. Our health camps at rural areas have supported the health cause of many and people have accepted Jeevanseva contribution to the society with open arms.
With this strong mission at heart, we march forward each day.
After all, Jeevanseva is for you forever!

Jeevanseva is the first company in India to introduce the
GLP (Good Laboratory Practices) and
GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) – International Products.

Product Portfolio

We are one of the leading traders and suppliers of wide range of Food Supplements, Generic Pharmaceutical Products,Traditional Herbal Medicine and Health Supplements. These products are procured from the reputed Malaysian DNG Group of companies, who prepare the products as per the defined quality standards and can be bought at market leading prices.
Our products include:

Ganodent (Dental Care)
Ganodent Capsules
Yeeginkgo Tablets
DNG Noni
Ginseng Capsules
Chlorophyll Liquid
Goats Milk Candy
Ganoderma Coffee

Visit us

Ginseng Contains 100 active components it can increase body immune function,strength as well as contributes to longevity Details

Ganoderma gives you the Complete Health Improvement, Preventing you from most Diseases and health problems.

Contains over 200 different compounds, 17 amino acids, 33 organosulphur compounds, vitamin B1, B2, B3, C and more.

More than 150 nutrients, Vitamins , Minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and selenium), protein, and amino acids.

Enzymes, rich in Anti-oxidants,Vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, E, and more essential amino acids.

Enzymes, rich in Anti-oxidants,Vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, E, and more essential amino acids.

It is specially formulated by using high quality Ganoderma powder and finest coffee to produce tasty coffee, and is easy to prepare.

Goat’s milk candy has an alkaline diet ensuring you and your family receives all the calcium and potassium they need.

Goat’s Milk soap which comprises of high quality proteins, Rich in Vitamins and minerals.

Ganoderma tooth paste has the miraculous benefits of Keeping teeth and gums healthy and strong.

Gano Soap is luxuriant bath soap with Ganoderma.Gano Soap cleanses,treat,moisturize and beautify your skin.

Gano hair care helps to repair weak and damaged hair and revitalize your hair naturally.

Ganoderma Conditioner Ensures that you enjoy healthy hair which enriches with Ganoderma Lucidem.

Gano hair conditioner helps to repair weak and damaged hair and revitalize your hair naturally.

Apple Stem Cell makes skin look firmer and plumper enhance the younger looking skin. It gently cleanses, purifies, replenishes, and hydrates skin, preparing it to receive advanced anti-aging ingredients. Powerful, scientifically tested anti-aging ingredients stimulate youthful cell renewal by 85% in only five days and 150% over time.
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Ganoderma-The King of Herbs

It is known as Lingzhi in China and as Reishi in Japan. Reishi is also known as King of Herbs. In order to be known as King of Herbs, it has to have some qualities that aren’t commonly available in other herbs and because this has been found to be true Reishi Ganoderma Lucidum is also called ‘King of Herbs’.

Ganoderma Capsules are Derived from the Ganoderma lucidum, this health supplement is used to build up your immune system. It contains Polysaccharide, triterpenoids, organic germanium

There are approximately 38000 species of mushrooms, out of which approximately 2000 species are edible. 200 species of these edible mushrooms have medicinal as well as nutritional value for human body. Ganoderma Lucidum has six species in the category of medicinal mushrooms. These special species of Ganoderma Lucidum is estimated to contain more than 200 active elements having specific medicinal properties.

For more information click here
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New Member
Jeevanseva nature based world class products

i heard from one of my friend about jeevanseva products. Can u pls provide info..


Jeevanseva nature based world class products

Jeevanseva in collaboration with the iconic Malaysian DNG Group of companies is proud to bring to India, World-Class herbal based products.
With our Nature Based World- Class products, we have been able to achieve our Goals, by spreading joy, happiness and good health. And not just that we have been able to successfully reach out to the grass root by making our products affordable.

Our products- Ganoderma Capsules, Ginseng Capsules, Yeeginkgo tablets, goats milk candy, dng noni, gano coffee, chlorophyll plus guarana, ganodent tooth paste, goats milk soap, ganoderma soap, gano hair care, these all products are nature based products.

if u want to know more details just visit our website:
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New Member

I am very aware of Wellness products I want to know about Chlorophyll,NONI How the products use for Heart.


Jeevanseva Chlorophyll plus Guarana and Noni benefits

Chlorophyll and Guarana contains 8 types of Enzymes, rich in Anti-oxidants, Vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, E, and More essential amino-acids. Cleanse to remove eliminate and body wastes. Reduce body heat and improve urination.

Functions of Guarana
In 1989, America claims Guarana has the ability to prevent consolidation of platelet which caused artery blockage. It also has the ability to liquefy blood.
In 1997, a Brazilian scientist found the effectiveness of guarana in strengthening memory capabilities and preventing degeneration of brain tissues.

Dng Noni is high quality of Noni fruits as its main ingredient, this product contains Xeronine and vitamins that are needed by the body to function. It is a healthy juice, not only helps you to sleep better but also boost up your immune system.

Noni can help improve cellular health, and fight diseases like cancer and other immune system ailments. Some users have also reported successful relief from swelling, backache, digestive problems and joint flexibility.

Researchers also believe that noni juice may have cancer fighting abilities. The research that has been conducted looks promising related to fighting cancer with Noni Juice.
for more info:
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New Member
About jeevanseva products

Hopw can we get jeevanseva ganoderma products from khammam, its is usefull for all types of helath issues, so kindly make a contact


Jeevanseva Health Stores

We have a health store in khammam. So directly you can purchase Jeevanseva Nature Based Products
Dng was founded with a mission to manufacture the highest-quality products without compromise products people can trust. Because poor manufacturing can destroy great science, Dynapharm is one of the few companies to manufacture most of its products in its own state-of-the-art facility. To ensure that the formulas developed in Dynaphar’s laboratories are produced consistently, the same process is followed each time manufacturing begins.

As a leader in nutritional innovation, DNG is proud to be one of the first in the industry to utilize it.


Jeevanseva Ginseng-The king of medicine

Ginseng is known as “king of medicine”; it can increase body immune function. Frequent consumption recuperates strength as well as contributes to longevity. This product is prepared using low temperature; therefore it is suitable for everyone.

Ginseng can invigorate the heart, lung, spleen, liver and kidneys. It has a relaxing and calming effect, improves eyesight, memory, longevity – a total of 40 functions..

Ginseng is considered a stabilizer, energizer, and stress reducer. It is used for an incredible range of conditions ranging from the simply annoying (the common cold) to the potentially fatal (cancer). A powerful antioxidant, ginseng helps to protect the body against tissue damage.

Ginseng has been indicated in the treatment and prevention of a variety of illnesses and conditions, such as diabetes, low and high blood pressure, chronic fatigue, heart disease, poor appetite, digestive disorders, hot flashes, menopausal discomforts, and impotence.


Jeevanseva-Dng Noni

Noni is unique health drink because it can perform at its peak even in stressful Situations, polluting environments and the breaking down of immune systems in our body. Noni is not only a health enhancer but also an herbal dietary supplement.

The Noni plant parts and fruit were found to be helpful as medicine by ancient people. They rubbed leaves of the Noni plant onto patients afflicted with painful gout. The leaves were also used to heal wounds.

The Noni juice and Noni fruit was used by primitive doctors to treat some mouth and throat problems, menstrual problems of bleeding, as a laxative and many other medicinal uses. Modern doctors are treating many other diseases with Noni, including blood pressure and blood sugar levels, to boost energy, as a pain reliever and an anti-inflammatory.


Jeevanseva Goat's Milk Candy Benefits

Goat’s Milk Candy : “Next to Mother’s Milk”

Goat's milk has been used for centuries in countries around the world for its high nutritional and medicinal values.
Goats' milk was found to help with the digestive and metabolic utilization of minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.

Goat's milk contains 13 percent more calcium, 25 percent more vitamin B-6, 47 percent more vitamin A, 134 percent more potassium, and three times more niacin. It is also four times higher in copper. Goat's milk also contains 27 percent more of the antioxidant selenium than cow's milk. Cow's milk contains five times as much vitamin B-12 as goat's milk and ten times as much folic acid.

Goat’s milk is an alkaline product and considered to be more pure, healthier, richer and beneficial than other milk. Goat’s milk helps prevent diseases such as anemia and bone demineralization.

The advantages of goat milk tablet are preferably ranging from children to adults.


Jeevanseva-Noni juice fights cancer and many other diseases

Former President of India and eminent scholar Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam is a "Noni Family"! For last ten years, Dr. Kalam is taking Noni juice everyday on a regular basis, which he thinks, keeps his health in a "perfect condition". There are hundreds of famous people in today's world, who are regular taking Noni juice or Noni capsules with the goal of maintaining good health. Noni is gradually becoming a major name in most of the nations in the world, though it remains a bit expensive. But medical experts of those patients, who already are benefitted from Noni consider this price factor as meager, in comparing to the contributions Noni makes to human health. For centuries dating back to the time when Christ walked the earth, Noni has been known to contain amazing healing properties not found in other tropical fruits found in the Pacific Islands. The medicine man, also known as the village Kahuna used Noni to fight-off disease. It wasn't until the past two decades that scientific research supported many of Noni juices healthful claims. Recently, research has been conducted at the University of Hawaii that has involved phase one of a study that focuses on Noni and cancer in humans. The lead investigator, Dr. Brian Issell, standardized the serving size for the study and monitors the CAT scans of cancer patients who use Noni to determine if there are any significant changes in the scans results of known anti-cancer materials found in Noni juice along with the immune system boosters thought to be regulated by Noni.

A fellow researcher, Anne Hirazumi, Ph.D. published a study in a prominent journal showed the compounds found in Noni juice to slow down and even stop cancer in laboratory mice implanted with Lewis Lung carcinoma. Along with other researchers, the data assembled suggests Noni may suppress a cancerous tumour from growing by activating the host's, in this case mice, immune system eliminating the reproduction of abnormal or mutating cells.

The research study demonstrated that cancer survival time in the subject improved when Noni was given to the controlled mice. The clinical researchers determined through the produced data that Noni acted to supplement and strengthen the host in cancer treatment.

In the early 90s. Japanese scientists published Noni research in an article in "Cancer Letters" that added to the theory that Noni, or the botanical name Morinda citrifolia offered cancer-fighting properties that produced positive results. They looked at "Ras" cells, commonly found to be the precursor to cancer or malignant cell growth with a substance found in Noni called damnacanthal. They discovered by injecting it into the subjects' significantly reduced and at times stopped Ras cells from reproducing.

Noni - the benefits of heart:

It's become an alarming epidemic for almost sixty-two million Americans who currently experience at least one type of cardiovascular disease. The estimate are about one in five adults will suffer from and eventually be seriously stricken down by one form of heart disease. The statistics show fifty million peopleare diagnosed with high-blood pressure and another twelve million have some form of heart disease causing over five million to eventually experience a life changing stroke. The main cause is a result of poor diet, lack of exercise resulting in an alarming number of people, one in every 2.5 deaths to be attributed to cardiovascular disease and the ratio continues to grow as the number one killer in the United States.

Organizations like the American Heart Association have gone on the offensive in efforts to halt and even reduce the number of casualties to this deadly disease. Through public awareness about the associated risk factors and the things an individual can do in prevention. Yet, cardiovascular related deaths continue to increase in recent years. What's disheartening is many of the disease that affects the heart can be prevented through regular exercise, a healthy diet and habits like not smoking. Doing all the right things for a healthy lifestyle, many people are still at some risk for cardiovascular disease. It's for this simple reason incorporating natural dietary supplements like Noni juice can add to your health-maintenance strategy while reducing your risk of high-blood pressure, heart disease and even stroke.


Jeevanseva Ganocoffee - Which is Healthy!!!

Ganoderma: “King of Herbs”

Why? Over 200 special properties of Ganoderma Lucidum have been identified, including more than 100 triterpenoids, organic germanium, beta-d-glucan, powerful alkaloids and amazing polysaccharides like ganoderans B and C. These ingredients combine into the most powerful adaptogen in nature with unsurpassed immunomodulating properties. All this in one herb.

In 1996, through significant research and development, the idea to combine Ganoderma Lucidum with coffee was born. Why coffee? Coffee is the second largest consumed beverage (next to water) and the second highest traded commodity in the world (next to petroleum).

Gano Coffee is the first known "Healthy Coffee" in the world . . . brought to you exclusively by Jeevanseva. Gano Coffee is a delicious, healthy beverage made from Ganoderma extract and helps to provide more energy and vigor, while reducing fatigue. The taste alone will tell you how good it is.


Jeevanseva-Goat’s milk Soap for Beautiful skin :

Goat's milk and are a very gentle, creamy soap. Aside from our Jeevanseva range, this is the only soap we would recommend to be suitable for all. The absence of colour and scent makes it especially gentle on any skin.

Natural Goat's Milk Soap assists the body in regenerating skin by shedding old skin cells leaving revitalized cells behind.

The latest research indicates that Goat's Milk assists in the renewal of collagen beneath the skin, eliminating many of the observable signs of aging. After use, the face can have a natural and youthful glow.

Are you looking for value for money? When you purchase from the Jeevanseva range, the value becomes obvious from the moment you begin to use our products.



Ganoderma: “King of Herbs”

Ganoderma toothpaste (Ganodent) contains high quality Ganoderma extract. It effectively cleans your teeth, plus provides many nutrients to your gums for a healthier smile, leaving a long lasting, pleasant fresh taste in your mouth.

Ganodent has many use on burns, bites, stings, scratches and cuts for relief, because the Ganoderma has superior healing properties.

For thousands of years, Ganoderma Lucidum (the Red Mushroom), a kind of medicinal fungi, has been highly regarded by the Chinese as the "Miraculous King of Herbs."

Ganoderma is said to be able to improve the body's healing ability, maintain a healthy body and promote longevity.

Under the attentive research done by domestic and foreign scholars in recent years, as well as the cooperative analysis and clinical experiments done by hospitals, colleges and pharmaceutical manufacturers,


Jeevanseva Goat's Milk Soap benefits@

It is made of pure goat's milk, palm oil and essence without alcohol, rich in protein, minerals and various vitamins. It leaves skin moisturized and supple. It is suitable for your whole family.

Goat's milk and are a very gentle, creamy soap. Aside from our Jeevanseva range, this is the only soap we would recommend to be suitable for all. The absence of colour and scent makes it especially gentle on any skin.

Natural Goat's Milk Soap assists the body in regenerating skin by shedding old skin cells leaving revitalized cells behind.

The latest research indicates that Goat's Milk assists in the renewal of collagen beneath the skin, eliminating many of the observable signs of aging. After use, the face can have a natural and youthful glow.

Are you looking for value for money? When you purchase from the Jeevanseva range, the value becomes obvious from the moment you begin to use our products.


Jeevanseva Vision and Mission


"Empowering people to live a healthy life"


To provide the highest quality of world class, science-based products and distribute them all over India through direct selling, creating financial freedom for our independent business owners and wellness entrepreneurs.


"Don't just save lives restore good health"


Change the world through science. Our research and development teams continuously strive to develop nature based products that target the growing health and lifestyle demands of the global community.
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Jeevanseva Chlorophyll Plus Guarana Benefits:

Chlorophyll and Guarana contains 8 types of Enzymes, rich in Anti-oxidants, Vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, E, and More essential amino-acids. Cleanse to remove eliminate and body wastes. Reduce body heat and improve urination.


Increases oxygen supply.
Improves blood circulation.
Reduces excess cholesterol.
Eliminates and neutralizes toxins.
Enhances intelligence and memory.
Stimulates heart beat.
Improves the digestive system.
Acts as free radicals scavenger in our body.
Body energy generator and active cell reproduction.
Activate brain cells and nervous system.
Reduce body heat and improve urination.
Detoxify toxins and improves the liver functions.


New Member
we want to know Jeevanseva yeeginkgo product benefits

i heard ginkgo biloba, yeeginkgo makes from ginkgo biloba tree leafs, i like natural based products, can you provide yeeginkgo information, how it works, and other benefits, we use ganoderma products, we want to use yeeginkgo product, kindly provide jeevanseva yeeginkgo information.
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