Dear Freind,
We shall arrange land for agryculture purpose only and;
1. Loan for purchase land, to purchase corp and for any kind of agry project.
2. We shall availed allkinds of subsidies corp to corp and for project.
3. We are responsible for devloping agry land according to the client choice and market annalysis.
4. We are taking full responsibility of maintainace of agri land until it is created revenue for you,
5. We are responsible for Marketing & Advertising of product.
6. We shall arrange all kinds of Banking, Financila, Joint venture & neccessary term policy for execution of Project.
7. We shall try to Give maximum possible services under one roof, without craeting addtional expenditure to our client.
Thanks & Regards
Agry Guru
Mob. No.+91 9869621072
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