Wanted: 10 Acres near Kanchipuram



New Member
Wanted 10 Acres red soil farm land near Kanchipuram. Land should have road access. Please send the details to vetri0123 at yahoo.com.

Brokers excuse.


Active Member
I am using the same thread so pl excuse.

I am also looking for 2-3 acres in Kanchipuram - agri land with following -

- Table top land
- Clear approach road without any hinderances
- Clear title and papers
- Water & electricity facility required

Pl revert with proposals and rates and we can meet


New Member
I need 2 acres of Agricultural Land . Budget is 7-8 Lacs for 2 acres . Around Kanchipuram , Wallajabad , Chengalpet ,
Please call me at 9840065875 to discuss


Active Member
Since I am also looking for a place in this area, please do let me know when you find some. Alternatively, if it is a bigger property, maybe all of us can share.


New Member
10 acres of agricultural land is available in Takkolam near Arakkonam. Out of 10 acres, 6 acres are already planted with Oil Palm trees of age 2 years. The rate is at 16 Lakhs per Acre (Negotiable). It has two bore wells with good water levels and two free electric services. If you are interested for a site visit or need more details, please email me at bpk1985@gmail.com ..
