want new ideas


I am Kavali. I have 50 ecaras of metta land. Now it is empty. i want to do something different , which producess high revenue.

My land has water facility with bore wells. Ground water availabilty is ok.

next i want to know where i can get mushrom cultivation training in andhra pradesh. particularly in telugu language ?

please suggest me.


Who told U Mushroom pays highly. Do U know if Mushroom is Veg or Non Veg. Send me a private message for a great venture on your land.Pl. furnish details of location etc.

kirti s

Well-Known Member
Dear sir

For mushroom cultivation training go to N.G.Ranga Acharya University of Agriculture for details or go to Near by horticulture dept.

With respect to cultivation in 50 ac land above institues can guide if u have any crop in yr mind.


Kirti s


Senior Member
You can go for intergrated farming

Hello Mr.Reddy,

Mushroom is good if you are close to city and have the marketing resource, if not you will have to make arrangements in storing them.

Since you have enough land and water availablitiy you can go for animal husbandry and horticulture.

We are commercial goat farming consultants and we practice integrated system. you can send me a private msg with details if you require our services.

We provide consultancy in the southern states.

