Vegetative Propogation of Melisa dubia



Respected sir,

I am Naveen, I am interested in knowing the method of propogation of
Melias dubia(Hebbevu). I think propogation by seeds is difficult.
How it is propogated by vegetative means. How cuttings are take to propogate.
What would be the size of cuttings. is there any growth hormone treatment needed.
Somebody told that 15cm diameter cuttings of 1meter height hardwood cuttings comes up succesfully. Is it true.
Is the vegetatively grown cutting is superior to that of seed propoated plants.

I hope I will get the respose and answers soon.

Thanking you,
Please contact....
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Dear Sir

melia species are generally propagated by seeds itself by direct sowing or by planting out seedlings or stumps 85% germination may be expected in 2 months.

Dear Mr. Naveen,

propagating melli dubia through vegative means is little bit diffiucult but it can be done. Take thick cuttings of mellia dubia and keep them in any rooting media like sand or vermiculite and keep it in mist chambers. In 10 days new shoots start coming from the thick cutting. take these shoots and root them with under mist chamber conditions. This way you can do vegetative proagation. We have done and succeded .



MELIA DUBIA seedllings

Dear MR. Naveen,

We can supply melia dubia plants. Kindly contact us.

Sampada Farms & Consultants

we are having the genuine melia dubia seedlings propagagted by seeds.we have already supplied nearly 50000 seedlings in Andhra pradesh & karnataka.

For more details plz contact us :

a Sivakumar
priya Nursery Garden

vegetative propagation of melia dubia

The melia dubia propagation is entirely very difficult .The seed germination is wise method.Its also gives good result in yield factor while comparing with the asexual metod i.e clonel.The seed germinated seedling will grow very fast than the clonel sapling.the seed germinated seedling will tolarate the heavy storm and heavy velacity of wind.But clonel sapling will not tolrate such problems.Even if the four years old clonel tree will fell down during the heavy strom.

For more details us:

A sivakumar,
priya Nursery Garden,
