Type of soil - Coconut plants - Dairy



New Member
Hi All,
I have some offers of land that has soil suitable for Paddy (Mayavaram area of Tamilnadu). It is clayish (I checked in websites of such type of soil as Alluvial soil or Regur soil).

However, this soil is clayish and holds water, which could be bad for coconut it is not drained properly. I have the following questions:
1) Can we grow coconuts in this type of soil (I see a few trees on some high-rise areas)?
2) Is it possible to condition the soil to be usable for coconut plant? How do we condition it? How much does it cost per acre?
3) Can we rear Cattle in this type of soil, as it could be slushy during rainy season?

I would like experienced people like you to share your suggestions.
Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member

Is the soil very clayey???? You can cultivate coconuts to some extent but use water limitedly.
