Turkey Farming in India


nirmal farmer

New Member
I want to set up Turkey Farm.

Turkey farmers please inform aspects of this business.

What are the requisits?

How much expense for raising turkey to full size.

What precautions to be taken?

How is the demand?

what is the selling Price per kg?

Please share your experience.

- Nirmal Farmer


Established Member
Dear Member,
First the following questions are un answerable. If you may get answers for these, then think of the rest.

How is the demand?
Little demand is from Christian community only. & said community presence is minimal comparing to other.

what is the selling Price per kg?
Talk in the towns was during Christmas good demand would come for small grown turkey birds. But only one bird was sold with little difficulty in Taluk Hq in South Karnataka which 100km to Bangalore.

Turkey bird is very selective in taking food, it will not take every food as other birds like chicken & emu.


turkey farming

This is quite wrong.turkey farming is very profitable business.
Currently there is scarcity of TURKEY in India. as imports have been banned.Last december it was soild at 380 per kg for live bird.Packed meat is selling at 650 per kg.So people were not able to buy TURKEY in this season due to non availability of birds.
Its a hardy bird & is not affected by bird flu & other common diseases.


New Member
turkey farming

hallow mr rajiv,
i am quite encouraged by your feedback on turkey farming. can you please give me details as to how to set up a turkey farming? i shall be thankful for your kind response.



New Member
Having worked in Hotel, i would say, turkey is very much in demad in restaurant industry. And with increase in the dining out habits and popularization of western cuisine, demand will only increase..


New Member
This is quite wrong.turkey farming is very profitable business.
Currently there is scarcity of TURKEY in India. as imports have been banned.Last december it was soild at 380 per kg for live bird.Packed meat is selling at 650 per kg.So people were not able to buy TURKEY in this season due to non availability of birds.
Its a hardy bird & is not affected by bird flu & other common diseases.
Hello.. Mr.rajeev.

I got one largest turkey farm..i hope you got good market for it..can I have your contect no to for more informatoin...

08238776391..is my mob.no.

Or you can msg me an sunil24josai@gmail.com

Thank you

Sunil josai
