suggestions regarding using land for more profitable cultivation



New Member
I have 20 acres of land in Shahjahanpur (UP). Presently we are growing wheat and paddy in rotation which do not give us much profit. So I need some revolutionary idea by which it can generate profit much higher than at present.

Although I have planned for poplar plantation this year. Can you also let me know what crops (other than wheat and paddy ) can be grown with poplar plant.

Any other new idea is also welcome.


Active Member
Some Suggestions

If youare growing wheat and rice, your land must be having suffcient water. Also the soil must be good. Please let me know if your soil is tested and if the results are good for Turmeric please grow this crop. It will give you a profit of at least Rs 3 to 4 Lakhs per acre. If you want more details please call me at the following number.

