Stevia processing unit



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You can contact us for the processing of the green stevia leaves into white stevioside powder.We provide total consultancy.

Detailed Description

We are leading ISO 9001 certified NGO is the sector of promotion of medicinal and aromatic plantation. We are largest technology provider for the cultivation of stevia and processing of the green stevia leaves into white stevioside powder. Currently we are cultivating stevia in 500 Acre under contractual farming in whole the nation. Whole the stevia is being cultivated under close supervision of our highly trained agriculture technologist. The stevia cultivation has changed lifestyle of our growers.

On the basis of our knowledge and experience today we have established four processing plants of green stevia leaves under consultancy. With the help our business partner Sunrise Agriland Development and Research (p) Ltd, we are offering the products related to stevia. Sunrise Agriland Development and Research (p) Ltd. is a business organization with a strong financial back ground. The organization is having rich experience of 14 years in the sector of medicinal and aromatic plants. The organization is fulfilling the demand related to medicinal plants of all the leading Ayurvedic Medicine manufacturing company in INDIA.

It can be used in sugar free sweetener product, calorie free diet , travel tea dip bags, Ice-cream, juices, cold drinks, soft drinks, Cakes, tooth pest, sweets for diabetic patients, Ayurvedic medicines, Dietary supplement products industry. Over all we can replace the normal sugar and chemical sweetener by Stevioside white powder.....

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