stevia plants/seed for sale



Well-Known Member
Stevia is one of the most profitable crops for the coming future. As the crop is only source of natural sweetner. The people are being less hard worker that why they need calorie free substitute of the sugar. The artificial sweetener are problematic for the long term consumption. In the countries like Japan and Korea stevia sweetener contribute 50% market share.

The stevia crop is propagated by the seedlings. We can provide you the stevia seedling (plants) .You will require the 30,000 seedlings per acre. We provide the complete consultancy from cultivation technology, planting material supply, nutrient management(manure ), water management( drip irrigation instalation),and the most important one the Buy back. We provide buyback before starting the cultivation to our growers so that they can be ensure at the marketing side.

Please contact us with the contact details with your complete query location and the current cropping system to my private message

Stevia Killers

Dear all Stevia Farmers and promoters.

Its very disturbing that some short sighted and dis honest person have become active in claiming themselves as Stevia Plant Sapling suppliers inviting farmers to get into cultivation of stevia making very very tall claims of benefits on paper which are practically not possible at all.

These people are just there to show huge profits in cultivation and just try to sell any XYZ quality of stevia saplings which are multiplied by cutting and making huge profits with false promises to buy the leaves at high prices as much as Rs. 200 , 220, 250, 300 per kg. which is practically not matching to the final extracted product available in open Indian market and even in international market. Many contracts are boldly made on Stamp Papers... never to be honoured in long run.

The objective of these persons is just to sell their planting saplings at any price on which they are able to .

I would like to caution all farmers to be careful and do take thought full decision, so not to regret later.

Let us together stop these people, spoiling name of this wonderful Natural Sweetener .

Stevia Lover

Sourabh Agarwal
Stevia Global Forum
Stevia Biotech Pvt. Ltd
New Delhi, India

Dear all Stevia Farmers and promoters.

Its very disturbing that some short sighted and dis honest person have become active in claiming themselves as Stevia Plant Sapling suppliers inviting farmers to get into cultivation of stevia making very very tall claims of benefits on paper which are practically not possible at all.

These people are just there to show huge profits in cultivation and just try to sell any XYZ quality of stevia saplings which are multiplied by cutting and making huge profits with false promises to buy the leaves at high prices as much as Rs. 200 , 220, 250, 300 per kg. which is practically not matching to the final extracted product available in open Indian market and even in international market. Many contracts are boldly made on Stamp Papers... never to be honoured in long run.

The objective of these persons is just to sell their planting saplings at any price on which they are able to .

I would like to caution all farmers to be careful and do take thought full decision, so not to regret later.

Let us together stop these people, spoiling name of this wonderful Natural Sweetener .

Stevia Lover

Sourabh Agarwal
Stevia Global Forum
Stevia Biotech Pvt. Ltd
New Delhi, India

Can you give the current market scenario for stevia and what is the yeild per acre/year. What is the ideal or reasonable price for dry stevia leaves ? I am planning to start cultivation of stevia on 25 acre land in Kutchh, Gujarat.
Please advise and suggest name of suppliers.
CELL: + 91 9820021247

very-very thanks for this kind of information

Can you give the current market scenario for stevia and what is the yeild per acre/year. What is the ideal or reasonable price for dry stevia leaves ? I am planning to start cultivation of stevia on 25 acre land in Kutchh, Gujarat.
Please advise and suggest name of suppliers.
CELL: + 91 9820021247

very-very thanks for this kind of information

Can you give the current market scenario for stevia and what is the yeild per acre/year. What is the ideal or reasonable price for dry stevia leaves ? I am planning to start cultivation of stevia on 25 acre land in Kutchh, Gujarat.
Please advise and suggest name of suppliers.
CELL: + 91 9820021247
