Start Dairy Farm??



If anyone who is running Dairy farm or you are having more than 10cows shed in tamilnadu or near by madurai districts just let me know. I am planning to start dairy farm so just i want to visit and get your guidance before starting those things.

Pls reach me on my mobile 9629687398 or let me know your contact no.



Well-Known Member

Visitinng a dairy farm before startingup you rown is a very goo idea. You can contact the animal husbandry department in your state.



Start Dairy Farm

Dear Mr Inniyal,

Mr Ashwini, in one of the previous querry of this kind has correctly replied viz copy pasted below for your information :-

Dairy farms are one of the more expensive businesses to operate and start. You need to have some elaborate equipment in order to pull the business off properly. Initially I would suggest start it on a small scale may be with 2 or 4 cows.
Equipments required -

.# Tractor
An important equipment for pulling machinery around. Most of the other equipment cannot be operated without this.
# Hay baler
Responsible for producing bale that is then fed to the cows. Each round bale produced by this machine is enough to feed 25 cows a day.
# Combine
The machine used to harvest crops for feeding to the cows, or for selling off. If you plan to grow your own cow feeds, you would need this definitely.
# Storage buildings
These buildings are useful for storing the feeds and the plants that you grow in your farm. There are also specialized buildings that are designed to store cow’s manure, as they are good fertilizers for the crops.
# Milking equipment
This will help make your life easier. Having automated milking equipment in your dairy farm will help cut the time required for you to produce milk from your cows, rather than doing it by hand. The different breeds u need to select-

1. Indian cattle breeds- milch breeds, draught breeds, milch and draught breeds.
2. Exotic breds.

the most commonly used breed for commercial dairy is HF(Holstein Friesian).
# This breed is from Holland
# Milk yield - 7200-9000 kgs
# This is by far the best diary breed among exotic cattle regarding milk yield. On an average it gives 25 litres of milk per day, whereas a cross breed H.F. cow gives 10 - 15 lts per day.
# It can perform well in coastal and delta area.

Under Indian condition a commercial dairy farm should consist of minimum 20 animals (10 cows, 10 buffaloes) this strength can easily go up to 100 animals in proportion of 50:50 or 40:60. After this however, you need to review your strength and market potential before you chose to go for expansion.

The cost for 2 cows comes upto 37000Rs, then include the cost of feed, insurance of the animals.

VAccination schedule
1. fourth month- foot and mouth 1st dose, 2-4 weeks later the 2nd deose and then later 3 times a year only booster dose.
2. six months -Anthrax vaccine
3.After six months- Haemorrhagic septicaemia (H.S) vaccine

You can avail bank loans for this project.

Also, what is your planning about fodder for live stock? Study in detail and then enter as dairy farm is round the clock work.


Kamal Prasad Maske


we can help....?

Hi All,
Most of the people are searching about Dairy Farm information. So why can't we Help by giving proper information to them.

1. What is Dairy Farm?
2. Initial Cost of Settingup Dairy Farm?
3. Rate for Cows?
4. Nearby places where already people are running in all the States?
(address and Contact numbers)

5. Instead of giving website to misguide them we can give our contact numbers and properly guide them.

"Helping Hands are better than Praying Lips" -Mother Theresa



Active Member
Do have a look for a Small Scale Dairy Farm Project Report as per NABARD guidelines which can be customized as per your needs i.e. you can change the number, milk yield & cost of animals, sale price of milk, bank loan rate, repayment period etc. and observe its impact on profitability in the spreadsheet.
Many other Projects are also being developed for progressive farmers. Do let me know if any changes have to be made in the program.
Dr. Vivek Patil
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