Special Report on China Corn Seed Market



Well-Known Member
This report makes an in-depth analysis on market share of corn and sweet corn seed, and gives a detailed study on seed production, supply and demand, cost structure, imp&exp enterprises as well as major domestic corn seed firms. It introduces an overall corn seed market and forecasts this market development in 2009-2010. ( Special Report on China Corn Seed Market )

Research Background

Seeds of agricultural products are the most important agricultural production material at the upper reaches of the production chain of agricultural products. Seed industry commands the leadership of agricultural competition. China is an important agricultural country. The annual seed usage amounts to over 12.5 billion kg. Market capacity for hybrid corn, hybrid rice, vegetable and cotton seeds in 2008 should exceed 30 billion RMB. The huge market potential has made China’s seed industry an ever-important focus of attention from capital investors.

High gross profit rate, sparse competition, numerous small-scale enterprises, great returns, enormous market, technological and policy barriers – these have made the seed industry an eye-catching sub-industry in the agriculture sector. With the standardization of China seed market, the enormous merger opportunities in this industry will gradually materialize. So, what is the status quo of the seed market in China? What is the current status of various seed segment market? What has led to the current industrial pattern and what will the seed industry head in 2009-2010?

BOBAC has invited experts of the seed market, technological experts and financial experts to an in-depth analysis of the entire industrial market, enterprises, policies, and other sectors of the industrial chain in an accurate, objective, overall and systematic manner. The analysis has given a comprehensive and detailed portrayal of the current status of China’s seed market and has given out professional viewpoints as to the future trends of the seed market in China for the reference of clients. This report series covers corn seed, rice seed, vegetable seed and cotton seed in China seeds market.
This report makes an in-depth analysis on market share of corn and sweet corn seed, and gives a detailed study on seed production, supply and demand, cost structure, imp&exp enterprises as well as major domestic corn seed firms. It introduces an overall corn seed market and forecasts this market development in 2009-2010.

To know more and to buy a copy of your report feel free to visit : Special Report on China Corn Seed Market


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