Some questions regarding dairy farming



New Member
Hello all,

I am planning to set a small scale dairy farm in anand district of Gujarat. I do not have any knowledge of dairy farming, and hence i am studying various related things on web since month. Now i have acquired some knowledge and i think i can run farm efficiently. I am planning to take few month practical training in existing dairy farm and a short term course from government institute. but before it, I will like to solve some queries and looking for you people to do that for me.

My plan is to prepare my land and build infrastructure in farm first. Then buy 5 cows initially and after 5-6 months, buy more 5 and so on till 2 years. Here are questions i will like to know your thoughts on them.

>> As weather will be hot and dry in summer, i am planning to build open shed for cows. And can install sprinkler or mist fans if needed. Can i find some ready-made shed designs which are scientifically more suitable to cows? If not, any tips regarding building shed or better ideas?

>> As begin novice in this field, is it advisable to appoint any consultant for help in setting and running farm? I do not seem it necessary.

>> Should i start with only cows or cows and buffalo both? I am planning to sale milk to co-op society initially and after first year, planning to sale milk to end users directly also. Co-op takes both cow/buffalo milk and pay according to fat% and i can have customers for both milks also. I am preferring cows for their better yield, short calving interval, easy heat detection and less sensitivity to summer temp.

>> I am planning to go for Cross breed jersey cows. for their high yield and ability to sustain high temp. My location will have hot and dry weather. Is it good selection or i should try other cross breeds like karan fries or HF? Avoiding exotic breed due to their temp sensitivity and being more prone to illness. What would be approx cost of such cow and how much yield can i expect per lactation?

>> If cow's calving interval is 14 months, as per my understanding, i should stop milking her after 11 to 12 months and give her time to rejuvenate herself for next calving. Somewhere in 13th month, she will get into heat and after successful insemination. she will get pregnant. Is this correct? Will she give milk during gestation period also? If yes, she will give milk for gestation period + next 11 to 12 months?

>> For green fodder, what is approx cost if purchased and if produced in own land? If cost difference is not too much, i am planning to avoid production initially, so i can concentrate more on dairy farm.

>> As my herd will be small initially, i don't want to go for add-on like manure production, bio gas project, bio filter etc and will sale dung. How much income can i expect from cow dung sale?

Sorry for writing too long post. But i need to know things for better planning. Also hope that answers will help lots of other members like me.

Thanks in advance,

hi am frm indore and i also want to start a dairy farming but i dont have the knowledge so pls share some knowledge with me and is this business is profitable? and from where i gain knowledge in dairy business ??

Dear aaditya,

Please read various threads and blogs on this site. They will provide you information on various aspects of dairy farming.

>> As weather will be hot and dry in summer, i am planning to build open shed for cows. And can install sprinkler or mist fans if needed. Can i find some ready-made shed designs which are scientifically more suitable to cows? If not, any tips regarding building shed or better ideas?
Check out loose housing system. This is very good and comfortable for the cows, work involved is very less and construction cost is also low. I feel all dairies housing more than 50 cows should be done this way for easy management. Check out on internet for shed designs and other helpful information.

>> As begin novice in this field, is it advisable to appoint any consultant for help in setting and running farm? I do not seem it necessary.
Self experience is something that no one on this planet can give you. Consultant will provide information on what and how to do but he will not take any responsibility as his liability is zero, you should be ready to experience all situations and learn from them. I can assure you that you will face issues which will be totally unexpected and unaccounted for, so be prepared.

>> Should i start with only cows or cows and buffalo both? I am planning to sale milk to co-op society initially and after first year, planning to sale milk to end users directly also. Co-op takes both cow/buffalo milk and pay according to fat% and i can have customers for both milks also. I am preferring cows for their better yield, short calving interval, easy heat detection and less sensitivity to summer temp.
You are right about selecting cows, however if you are able to get considerably higher rate for buffalo milk, then you should also consider some part of buffaloes, then you can mix both milks to get average fat. As you have rightly said, cows are easier to manage than buffaloes.

>> I am planning to go for Cross breed jersey cows. for their high yield and ability to sustain high temp. My location will have hot and dry weather. Is it good selection or i should try other cross breeds like karan fries or HF? Avoiding exotic breed due to their temp sensitivity and being more prone to illness. What would be approx cost of such cow and how much yield can i expect per lactation?
In loose housing system, temperature may not be an issue as in the shade, cows are always going to be comfortable. Air movement should be sufficient, you can provide some fans and misters as well near the feeding areas. I saw a picture of dairy farm in Saudi Arabia done in loose house system which houses 25000 HF cows. So try to understand more about loose housing system.
HF cow gives more milk, less fat, Jersey gives lesser milk than HF but higher fat. Try to procure cows from your local area so that they are already adapted to the climate.

>> If cow's calving interval is 14 months, as per my understanding, i should stop milking her after 11 to 12 months and give her time to rejuvenate herself for next calving. Somewhere in 13th month, she will get into heat and after successful insemination. she will get pregnant. Is this correct? Will she give milk during gestation period also? If yes, she will give milk for gestation period + next 11 to 12 months?
Calving interval should be targeted as 1 calf per year or maximum 15 months. Which means cow should be inseminated in the 2nd to 3rd month of lactation. Cows are dried in the 7th month of pregnancy, not lacation. So you can continue milking cows till they are into the 7th month of pregnancy. Gestation period is only 2 months, that is required for better milk in next lacataion.

>> For green fodder, what is approx cost if purchased and if produced in own land? If cost difference is not too much, i am planning to avoid production initially, so i can concentrate more on dairy farm.
See availability in your area, if it is available, then you should ask rate locally. If it is available then I feel you can buy your fodder till you get a hang of things, just make sure that the availability is all the time, otherwise you will be stuck with cows and no fodder. That is one of the primary reasons for closure of dairies.

>> As my herd will be small initially, i don't want to go for add-on like manure production, bio gas project, bio filter etc and will sale dung. How much income can i expect from cow dung sale?
Check in your local area again for price information, it will cary from area to area. In our area in Karnataka, Mysore region, cost is 1500 per tractor load for cow dung. You should plan for vermicompost and also biogas, it will add to your income and also savings in terms of gas usage.

All I can say is dont expect too much in the beginning and you wont be disappointed. Cows are not machines, so treat them nicely
The cow will never cheat you, only if you try to cheat her, she will return the same.
If you feed less, milk is less, feed more, milk will be more.

Good luck.


Thanks a lot

Dear nikhil,

Thanks a lot for your valuable response.

I have found all of your answers very helping. They clear my doubts.
Just want to let you know you what i have decided now. Also as it might help someone like me.

>> I am already planning loose housing system, which will have approx 20% open to sky area and 80% shed area. I will check in fist summer, and if needed, will install mist fans in shed area. Cows will have 24 hours water accessibility.

>> As i post before, i am planning to take few months training in one existing farm and also at KVK near to me. so i will have at least basic - moderate experience. I have some experienced people around me who are ready to help me in any unexpected problem anytime.

>> I will go for cows for first year, and after getting comfortable with them, will think of having buffaloes.

>> For cows, will check local market availability and choose from jersey or HF. Will take to local KVK team and will choice from exotic or cross breed for my area.

>> Still bit confused with milking period of cow. but i think will get it clear once i get some hands of experience.

>> Will check availability for green fodder in my area through out year, and if possible, will make some sort of contract with any farmer having excess green fodder. At least for initial first year. Also studying hydroponics system for green fodder production.

>> Will study bit more about vermi compost and bio gas. If anyone of them don't need more attention, will go for any one of them. Otherwise will sale cow dung directly.

Thanks again for your post.
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Contact KVK Baramati, they are the leading instituion in India for dairy training and they have a sample open house dairy farm also where they conduct training. Another website, aaqua is maintained by them. There are many helpful people and material available with them.

Good luck.

Lactation doubt

Mr_Patel great effort
u r reallly amazing that u have asked genuine questions unlike most(almost everyone) who used to ask questions that have been asked several times and answered innumerable times.

NOW let me try to clear ur doubt regarding lactation and gestation

lets fallow israeli dairy farming method of one taught in KVK BARAMATI
concept is one calf per year

AVERAGE LACTATION =300 to 305 days
10 months of lactation and at least 2 months of dry period

-->Gestation period of cows on an average 283 days(275-290 days mean 283
i;e 9½ months
lets deduct 2 months of essential dry period
that leaves 7½ months
10-7½ = 2½ months

so u have to inseminate cow at 3rd or 4th heat

replied in aaqua forum too with link

