soil organic carbon kit/water holding capacity kit /ph kit



Dear Sir,
We are keen to introduce “ KRANTI” Soil Organic carbon Testing Kit.
This Kit is developed by BARC, one of the premier Research organization in India. We are the Sole Supplier of the soil organic carbon testing kit.

As you work at grass root level with farmers and have direct contact with them. As you are aware with latest farm technique, we feel that our kit shall help farmer in increasing farm output, Reduce or rationalize fertilizer use, so overall it may benefit the farmers.
The cost of our kit is kept reasonable, keeping in mind about our farmer friends.(Rs.425/- per kit ,+ Transport by courier as actual ) (25 test ) 17 Rs per test
Solutions A Rs.200/- per liter Solutions B Rs.200/- per liter,+ Transport by courier as actual (100 test) 4 Rs per test
There is no requirement of any education or training to analyze your soil sample. You can carry out analysis of soil on field by your own and decide how much fertilizer or manure to be added.
Our soil Testing Kit is already used all over India, and it already helping 10,000 farmers in India. To reach other farmer, who are not aware of this kit, so we felt we should contact you, so that you can go through our product and make other farmers aware about it.

Along this mail we are sending you the brochure of our product. So that you get complete information of the product.
Looking for a feedback about the Kit, suggestions are always welcome.

Thanking you
Your’s Sincerely

(Mr. Anant Atakari)
Purpose: This experiment is intended to demonstrate the ability of soil or compost to retain moisture against drainage due to gravity.
Description: Water is held in the spaces, or pores, between soil particles and in thin films surrounding those particles. This water is available to vegetation growing in that soil mixture. Organic matter and particle size affect a soils ability to retain moisture. The water holding capacity of a soil determines its ability to sustain that vegetation during dry periods.
Water Holding Capacity (WHC) Kit would be used to demonstrate to the farmers that use of organic manure in the soils increases the water holding capacity of the soil and this increase in capacity would result in lesser requirement of irrigation.
1 Two identical jar having minimum 500 gm soil Carrying capacity
2. Two identical graduated measuring beaker.50 ml Capacity
3. One metal stand for holding two jars inverted.
4. One measuring cylinder of 50ml measuring capacity
The Kit used to demonstrate the above mentioned benefit of organic manure would consist of 2 transparent bottles of about 500 ml. capacities. (Soil holding capacity 500 gm of crushed soil)
Transparent pet bottle shaped jar having bottom open and 2.5 mm hole at middle of cap or
Jar 1: Take 500g (up to tapering position of bottle bottom) soil sample without any manure added in supplied bottle containers. Add the soil slowly followed by tapping so that soil of the container comes to natural compaction. This jar contain 500 gm soil sample
Jar 2: Take 500g (up to tapering position of bottle bottom) soil sample with manure added in supplied bottle containers. Add the soil slowly followed by tapping so that soil of the container comes to natural compaction. This jar contain 500 gm soil sample


1. Slowly add 50 ml of water in jar 1 check for saturation point if soil is not saturated with water add 10 ml of water more, note down total volume of water added in jar. ( V1 ml).

2. Slowly add (V1ml) of water in jar 2 check for saturation point if soil is not saturated with water
3. Carry out experiment in covered area, shade, or under shade of tree to avoid evaporation of water by sun heat or any mechanical or induced heat .
4. Allow to drain water in measuring beaker
5. Wait for 15 min for instant judgement .
6. Measure amount of water drained after 12 hr of starting of experiment
7. After 15 min observe how much water is collected in both the measuring beaker measure volume in first beaker ( Vx ml) under jar one find out water holding capacity of soil as such for example ( Vx ml = 25 ml )
50 – 20 = 30 /50 x 100=60.0 %
8. After 15 min observe how much water is collected in both the beaker measure volume in 2nd beaker ( Vy ml) under jar one find out water holding capacity of soil as such for example ( Vy ml = 10 ml )
50 – 15 = 35 /50x 100 = 70.0 %
This would demonstrate to the farmers that use of organic manure would increase the water holding capacity of their soils.
Total amount of water added to the soil : ________
Amount of water collected below the soil : ________
Amount of water held by the soil (difference) : ________
Water holding capacity: Amount of water held by the soil:________ ml. of water per liter of soil
1. Calculate how much water was retained in the 500 mL sample of compost, soil or compost/
soil mixture: ____ mL water retained=——— = water added (mL) - water drained (mL)500 ml sample
2. Water holding capacity is expressed as the amount of water retained per liter of soil, so the
next step is to multiply by 2 to convert from the 500 ml sample to the full liter:
Water holding capacity (mL/L) = 2 x ( ____ mL water retained / 500 ml sample)
The soil is the great connector of lives, the source and destination of all.
-Wendell Berry
