soil organic carbon detection kit by BARC



Indian agriculture has witnessed very high increase of crop yield during late 1960’s and early 1970’s which was termed as green revolution afterwards. Green revolution becomes reality mainly due to application of chemicals fertilizers to the high yielding crop varieties. But excess use of these chemicals has increased the serious problems like salt accumulation in upper soil layer and consequent degradation of soil. Now it has become urgent need for redefining the agriculture concept in our country. One of approach to solve the problem is the introduction organic farming. Use of organic fertilizers has proved to be as effective as chemicals fertilizers but is not highlighted so far. One of important parameter for organic agriculture is the monitoring organic carbon in the soil. Though some farmers do check the organic carbon status of their soil regularly, it is the fact that there are limitations for regular monitoring organic carbon due to unavailability of specific laboratories as well as the time required for analysis.

Organic carbon plays central role in deciding health of soil as all the parameters of soil like crust formation, drainage, salt accumulation, alkalinity, beneficial microbes, pathogens and soil fertility factors are related to organic carbon. If organic carbon is low all above parameters get affected badly. So monitoring organic carbon is as essentials as other important parameters of crop yield.
Organic carbon detection kit developed at B.A.R.C. is user friendly and analyse the soil sample at the field. This helps farmers to decide the doses of chemicals------------ as well as other fertilizers in proper time and improve the crop yield. Application of manures and fertilizers at proper time ultimately decides the yield factor. Farmers have become more aware about ill effects of chemical fertilizers day by day. Consumers are demanding organic food. So this kit will be an important parameters to test the organic nature of soil. As this is quick method an ordinary farmer can perform it on the field, then farmer doesn’t have to rely on other agencies for the result. Organic carbon detection kit will be an important tool in organic agriculture which is going to be agriculture of coming years.

Soil consists of 45.0% inorganic components, 5.0% organic components, 25.0% air and 25.0% water. Out of total organic components 50.0% is carbon; hence it is called as organic carbon (OC). Soil organic carbon content up to 1.5% or 2.0 % increases soil porosity that supports growth of the soil microorganisms. These increases availability of different nutrients to the plant, resulting in better crop yield. Thus organic carbon is a true indicator of the soil health. Also it is proved fact that soil having sufficient organic carbon will definitely have proper content of other major elements like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Kit developed on the basis of Technology from
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai-400 085

Soil organic carbon can help farmer in the following ways:
• It increases growth soil microorganisms, which help in effectively maintaining elemental biogeochemical cycles, and makes these nutrients available to the plants in smooth manner.
• It is an excellent soil conditioner and provides a good infrastructure for soil microorganisms.
• The porosity of soil increases due to addition of organic carbon, thereby increasing aeration and avoiding water stagnation and overall improving soil health.
• Soil organic carbon helps to stabilize soil particles, thus decreasing erosion.
• It also improves soil structure and workability, enhances aeration and water penetration, increases water - holding capacity and improves nutrients supply for growth of both plants and soil micro-organisms.
Soil organic carbon detection kit has following advantages:
• It is user friendly as any farmer himself can perform this on the field.
• It gives quick and reliable (comparative to standard methods) results.
• Evaluates the impact of organic carbon amends & supplemented periodically.
• It gives idea of amount of organic manure additions necessary for better yield.
• Highly economical as compared with other standard method.

• This kit would be useful to great extent in agricultural sector.
• Direct use by the farmer for organic carbon detection of soil before sowing of the crop and at the harvest of the crop.
• To take corrective measures to maintain the soil organic carbon at optimum levels and evaluating the effectiveness of the organic manure supplements periodically.
With the help of spoon transfer 1 gm of soil sample to the bottle. Add 10 ml of solution A to it with the help of measuring cup. Shake well & add 10 ml of solution B with the help of measuring cup .Close the bottle & shake well. Keep a side for 15 minutes. With the help of funnel & filter paper filter the solution in to a clean test tube. Compare the colour of the filtrate with the supplied colour chart & determine the organic carbon in the soil.
Sr.No Results: % Organic Carbon Action to be taken
1 If low ( ≤ 0.5% ) Apply 4 tons biogas manure or 7-8 tons of farmyard manure / hector before ploughing. Wait for 15 days for further sampling.
If organic carbon is less than 1%, apply 2 tons biogas manure or 4-5 tons of farmyards manure / hector before ploughing.
2 If Medium (≤0.5% -1.0%) Apply 2 tons biogas manure or 4-5 tons of farmyard manure / hector before ploughing.
If organic carbon is less than 1%, apply 2 tons biogas manure or 4-5 tons of farmyards manure / hector before ploughing.
3 If Sufficient (≥1.0%) Healthy in indication for sowing in the corps in the field

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