sheep farm



New Member
hi all
i live in kashmir and own about 5 acres of land . I am interested in starting a sheep farm . any body please guide me through it . the main purpose is to rear sheep for mutton . If any body is interested in partnership please do contact
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Well-Known Member

The advantages of sheep farming are :

i)Sheep do not need expensive buildings to house them and on the other hand require less labour than other kinds of livestock.

ii)The foundation stock are relatively cheap and the flock can be multiplied rapidly.

iii)Sheep are economical converter of grass into meat and wool.

iv)Sheep will eat varied kinds of plants compared to other kind of livestock. This makes them excellent weed destroyer.

v)Unlike goats, sheep hardly damage any tree.

vi)The production of wool, meat and manure provides three different sources of income to the shepherd.

vii)The structure of their lips helps them to clean grains lost at harvest time and thus convert waste feed into profitable products.

viii)Mutton is one kind of meat towards, which there is no prejudice by any community in India and further development of superior breeds for mutton production will have a great scope in the developing economy of India.

Selection and purchase of Animal

i) It is necessary to select suitable improved breed of sheep available in particular area.

ii)Crossbred sheep are available for purchase from state Government / Government of India sheep breeding farms.

iii) Ewes can be purchased in regular sheep markets or from breeders in villages, while male sheep (rams) of exotic / crossbred from Government farms.

iv) A purchase committee, consisting of the borrower, the financing bank's representative and a veterinary assistant surgeon may be constituted or else cash payments could be done to borrower to select his own animals.

v) It is desirable to purchase healthy animals of 12-18 months of age.

vi) A certificate regarding age and health of sheep is obtained from the veterinary assistant surgeon.

vii)The animals purchased have to be identified by fixing ear tags.

viii) Sheep should be vaccinated for important diseases like sheep-fox and entero-toxaemia.

ix) The price of sheep depends on breed, age and health status.

x) An entrepreneur should have a unit of 20-30 ewes and one ram.



Dear Ashwini,

Thanks a lot for ur info,
i heard that gaot farming is more usefull compare to Sheep farming and also banks are not intrestd in giving loans to sheep farming, can u please clarify this.



Senior Member
Goat farming

Dear Moayed,
Banks are intersted to give Loans but they will be whether the person has capacity to pay or not and whether there is any strenght in this project or not


New Member
sheep farming 1

thnx for providing the info ashwini and asad . can u please specify which sheep i should procure in kashmir for the purpose of mutton industry .
