Rose cultivation

Dear Sir

This is Ramu from Kanchipuram-Tamil Nadu.

I have the plan to cultivate rose in my field.Could you pls help me the following quiries.

1) Where Can I get all informations about rose and its varieties?

2) How can I find the siutable variety of rose to my soil to cultivate?

it would be great help,if i get the info about the above queries.



Well-Known Member

1. You can get all information about the roses in the nearest Horticulture department.

Rose can be successfully cultivated in mild climate with good sunshine. Roses require fertile and clay loam and loam soils. Soil should be deep having good water holding capacity with proper drainage. Roses do well in soils having pH up to 6.0 to 7.5 but it can also grow satisfactorily in alkaline soil with pH up to 8.4. The soil pH can be brought in safe limits by adding gypsum or other acidifying agents in alkaline soil whereas pH of acidic soil can be raised by adding well ground dolomite lime stone.

Rose varieties are plenty. I can quote a few .....
A. Hybrid Tea

* Red and dark red: Black Velvet, Crimson Glory, Happiness

* Orange: Hawaii, Super, Star, Duke of Windsor

* Yellow: Summer Sunshine, Golden Giant, Kiss of Fire, Double Delight

* Pink: Eiffel Tower, First Love, First Prize

* White: Virgo, White Christmas

* Bicolours: Suspense (red and yellow), Perfecta (pink and white)

* Lavender: Blue, Africa Star, Paradise

* Novel Colour: Careless Love

* Fragrant Roses: Fragrant Cloud, Sugandha

B. Floribunda

These have been produced by crossing Hybrid Tea and dwarf polyantha.

* Red: Rob Roy, Jantar Mantar

* Orange: Scarlet, Independence, Shola

* Yellow: All Gold, Fugitive, Gold Bunny

* Pink: Queen Elizabeth, Mercedes

* White: Iceberg, Himagini

* Lavender: Angel Face, Lavender Princess

* Bicolour: Red Gold, Fantasia

* Multi Colour: Banjaran, Madhura

Roses are commonly propagated by "T" or shield budding on the rootstock.
The place selected for planting roses should be dug thoroughly to a depth of 90-120 cm and kept open for few days. The soil should be dried and refilled with 10-15 kg/sq.m. well rotten farm yard manure and good garden soil at the top. The spacing between plants varies with the vigour of the variety but generally H.T. varieties can be planted at the distance of 75 cm from each other while for the varieties of floribundas which are used for massing, a distance of 60 cm can be kept.

About 3 to 4 days before pruning, watering is withheld. Rose is generally pruned during the 2nd week of October, from 7th to 14th, and about 6 to 7 weeks of pruning, the plants start flowering. The old Hybrid Tea bushes are pruned by removing all old and useless wood and shortening the previous season’s thick shoots by half their length, keeping about 5 to 6 eyes on each stem. The Floribundas are pruned moderately. The climbing of rambling roses need almost no pruning.
These are the cultivation aspects in brief.



New Member
Hi Ashwini,

That was a good information about Rose and I hope you can advice on the following also,

Is it really necessary to grow Rose in a Green House environment or Open Soil cultivation will do ?

What kind of watering system is require for Rose, Drip / Sprinkler or Direct water supply ?



kirti s

Well-Known Member
Dear sir,

It depends on yr market need if are exporting then these needs to be under green house/shade net for local market open cultivation holds good.under green house u will have to irrigate through drip/fog open its not madatry depending up on local availability u irrigate.


Kirti s
