Roof-top Kitchen Garden


Roof top Kitchen Gardening


My two cents...

Points to be considered while planning.
> Select plants according to your regional climate.
> See the average life (days) of the plant. This will help you to plan your vacation and how to save your plants while you are away.

> Water. Use good quality water to feed. If you can afford filtered water, good. Dont' over water which will washout all composts from the medium.
> Media. Soil which has less compaction and loomy would be ideal. Red Soil is best choice, beware nursery guys are smart to cheat. Coarse sand (builder sand) also better alternative.
> Soilless Media. Coirpith. Use after washing three or four times.
> Fertiliser. Good Compost.
> Container. Use Earthen pots and avoid plastics because plastic is directly exposed to sun in the roof top. Minimum half foot height for leafy plants like palak,fenugreet(methi),coriander(dhania) and 1 foot height of medium do well for other vegs. Container should have drainage holes. For balcony you can use plastic pots, plastic crates(milk/Veg), paint buckets, dust bins, even polythene/hdpe bags to grow plants.

> Use 50% compost and 50% other medium (soil/soilless) or 50% compost, 25% coirpith 25% soil/sand.
> Wash the seeds before sowing. Sometime soaking the seed will also be beneficial. Sow the seeds directly or you can use seedling trays or plastic cups and transplant after true leaves have come.

> If your region is high temperate, do cover (mulch) the pots with hay/ straw, or simply dry and use your daily cut vegetables wastes as mulch to retain moisture in the container and curtain water evaporation.
> Avoid Chemical Pesticides.
> Try using some naturally avilable materials like Neem Oil for foliar spray. If you get Panchagavya for spray would be more advantage.

Happy gardening.

Good luck,

V. Srinivasan

kirti s

Well-Known Member
Dear Sir

Tomatoes grow great in containers, making them an excellent choice for your roof garden. Peppers tolerate heat well and grow excellently in containers. Grow all kinds of peppers.
Cucumbers also grow in containers, provide trellis support for the vines to climb vertically.

You can have Chilly and all kinds of spinach. If you are interest in flowers good option is rose. There are Varieties of beautiful Cactus. Other than that done forget Tulasi, Omavalli(Plectranthus amboinicus), Aloe Vera, These things are very useful medicinal items and needs very very little maintenance.
