Rice Bran Oil - Solvent Extraction Plant



New Member
Edible Oil Industry has taken a set back in the past two years. This has been mainly because of poor Monsoon hence poor crop and finally resulting in higher prices of Rice Bran and other oil cakes like soyabean , mustard , sunflower etc and reduction in import duty on Palmoline Oil. There is no qualm to the fact that refineries and Solvent Extraction Plants are having a tough time for the past two years.
I want inputs from the members as to what do they expect the future of this industry ??

kirti s

Well-Known Member
rise brank oil

Rice brown oil is gaining much impartance over other oils as it is having low cholestrol and waste materila is the input for this oil. so u can plann for the oil extraction unit.


Kirti s


solvent extraction plant

to everyone.. wish you a very good day. .
regarding the topic of solvent extraction plant, i have been with this industry for more than 10 years as of now though and know one thing.. the investment in the industry has given people a chance in which they can recover the invested amount in a single year of operation.
Having worked with a few companies who are into solvent extraction , the industry is worth the risk , though the last 2 years were not that good but would soon see a good future .


Well-Known Member
Rice bran oil...


The recession will be always there in edible oil business as long as there is no domestic market.

I have seen a solvent plant here installing a physical refinery to convert the crude R.B.oil into a branded refined Rice bran oil but neverthless the Price for this oil is to be bargained for somewhere around Rs50/kg still lesser than Sunflower oil.
AKSHATH is the brand name of Anjaneya agro extracts Harihar
Many states shamelessly import Palmolein and Sun flower oil without bothering to market healthy oils like R.B and Corn oil here in India. ( The KOF in karnataka)

The fact is DOB is more important than any other feeds for dairy farming and in recent times the Solvent plants were struggling to get exemption for the sale of DOB to many federations.
I reckon there was a national protest by SEA recently on this issue.

I also could see the worst attitude of the Govts. in not allowing RB oil for export though there is a demand in sone countries.I myself tried hard to export R.B.oil but denied due to the policy of the GOVT notifying RB oil as a edible one.

I point out here one more thing!
Accumulating feedstock for operating a solvent plant itself a critical issue and many solvent plants are leased our or rented out for different processing like oleo resins or Non-edible seeds processing in the absence of their inability to procure raw material.
I have noticed several plants running after labour problems and the biggest gainer is some contractors from Bihar.
Powerless states does not provide enough power too for running the plant on electricity.

I can also mention here about certain solvent plants extracting essntial oils namely chillie and extraction of oleo resin, coleus etc. Syntrheite and Concorde in Karnataka.

The performance and the capacity of a solvent plant does matter apart from its maintanence and financial position of the promoter in this business is also vital.
In recent times, the MSP for Paddy and market support seems to be good whereas relatively the Millers (Raw bran suppliers) never pass on the benefit to Solvent plants.
Solvent is the only process to see a max. recovery of oil from cakes/seeds or anything else.This can not be denied nor anyone can elumiante this Industry.
Hope Solvent plant play a good role in many alternate process like Biofuels.

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rice bran solvent extraction plant Setup

hi ,
With all due respect to the recession issues and the industrial development , our company came across the company called Sundex Ltd. bsed out of the city of mumbai is one of the best technological suppliers for the bran oil extraction plant. they help setup complete turnkey projects on Vegetable oil Extraction Plants across the world.
you may even check Solvent Extraction Plants - Vegetable Oil Refinery Plants and Mineral Water Plants Supplier and Manufacturer ].
hope you would find the information helpful.
Best Regards,
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New Member
Hi Ronnie,
This is ashish from Chhattisgarh.
wanted basic info. regarding bran oil extraction plant.
would appreciate if u can give your contact.
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rice bran sovlent extraction plant

Hi Ronnie,
This is ashish from Chhattisgarh.
wanted basic info. regarding bran oil extraction plant.
would appreciate if u can give your contact.

Dear Ashish ,
you may visit Sundex at Mumbai and get the details with related auxiliaries and im sure they would help you .
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New Member
gd evening all of u..

i really thanks to agricultureforum to make join u people in this disscission.

the thing is here i have supplied plants in punjab.. as per agriculture facilities and upgradation and cattle feed processing upgradation.

solvent plants are still in better profits...it all depends on the regions agriculture methods and updation.
