


New Member
Hi m a student of Mumbai university.
i am doing engineering in biotechnology and i am in my last year.

in this year we r supposed to do a research project.

and my intrest is in horticulture specially flower and fruits.

and i dont know how to go about it.
wanted help regarding the project.
so my questions are:
1) are there any places around mumbai where these researches take place.

2) if yes can we students be a part of it.

3) how to go about searching for such people and places.

4) is there anyone already involved in this.

please reply as soon as possible because i need this info. urgently.



Established Member
Project work in Bio-Tech.

Dear Mr Sashwat
You are asking for a very preliminary information. I suppose you are to complete
M Tech (Bio-Tech.) and for the fulfillment of requirement you you need to submit a Thesis on short term research work.I feel, at this stage you should be aware of such institutions India, especially those under DBt,ICAR, CSIR and Universities.
Any way, you can approach, BARC (Trombay) and National Chemical Laboratory, Pune.These two are the most prestigious institutions around you.You have to take request letter with your Prof./Dean and approach concerned Department in above institutions. Your supervisor will suggest you the topics/Project work depending upon time you are permitted to spend there.
