Rabbit Farming



New Member
I want to start business in rabbit farming in raigad district. Can anyonegive me the details about rabbit farming, Best and available breeds for Rabbit Farming, from where I can purchase, what about market in order to sell rabbits afterwards. Please do reply :confused:


Well-Known Member

Advantages of Rabbit Farming

* By rabbit rearing one can produce a quality protein rich meat for his own family
* Rabbits can be fed with easily available leaves, waste vegetables, grains available in the home
* Growth rate in broiler rabbits is very high. They attain 2 kgs at the age of three months
* Litter size (Number of young ones born/ kindling) in rabbits is high (around 8-12)
* When compared to the other meats rabbit meat contain high protein (21%) and less fat (8%). So this meat is suitable for all age groups from adults to children

Rabbit breeds and Availability

Heavy weight breeds (4-6 kg )

* White giant
* Grey giant
* Flemish giant

White Giant Breed

Medium weight breeds (3-4 kg)

* Newzealand white
* Newzealand red
* Californian

Light weight breeds (2-3 kg)

* Soviet chinchilla
* Dutch

Soviet Chinchilla Breed
Good quality White Giant and Soviet Chinchilla breeds are available for sale at
Department of Livestock Production and Management,
Veterinary College and Research institute,
Namakkal-637002, Tamil Nadu
Ph: 04286 -266491, 266492

Methods of rearing rabbits

Rabbits can be reared at the backyard with in a small shed which can be constructed with a small investment. To protect rabbits from the climatic conditions such as in hot summer, rain and to protect them from dogs, cats construction of shed is necessary.

Rabbits can be reared in two system of housing

Deep litter system

This method is suitable for rearing small number of rabbits. To prevent rabbits to dig burrows the floor the floor should be made up of concrete. The Litter materials such as paddy husk, paddy straw or wood shavings can be filled up to 4-6 inches from the floor. Deep litter system is not suitable for rearing more than 30 rabbits. Male rabbits should be housed separately. This type of housing is not suitable for intensive system of rearing. Rabbits reared in deep litter system are more susceptible to diseases. Management of bunnies also very difficult in deep litter system.

Cage system
Floor space requirement

* Adult male rabbit – 4 square feet (S.ft)
* Dam – 5 S.ft
* Bunnies – 1.5 S.ft

Adult rabbit cage
Adult rabbit cage should have 1.5 feet length, 1.5 feet breadth and 1.5 feet height. This cage is suitable for one adult rabbit or two growing rabbits
Growing rabbit cage

* Length- 3 feet
* Breadth- 1.5 feet
* Height- 1.5 feet

The above sized cage is suitable for 4-5 rabbits up to 3 months age.
Cages for kindling
The cage size for growing rabbits is sufficient for the rabbits going to be kindled. But the bottom and sides of the cage should be made up of weld mesh of 1.5 X 1.5 inches. This used to prevent the young bunnies to come out of the cage.
Nest box
To provide safer and calm environment during kindling the nest box is essential. This nest boxes can be made up of galvanized iron or wood. Nest box size should be in such a way to keep inside the kindling cage.

hallo ashwini ji

thanks for such a use ful information.

please let me know the price of rabbits , i want start this business in haryana with 100 rabbits
moreover please let me know where to sell the rabbits, once babies produced


