project required



New Member
I want technical guidance and buy back guarantee on 10 acres well irrigated land in Madhya Pradesh. The summers here are hot and dry and the winters are cold ( lowest say 4-5C ) and dry. I have ground water but if the crops needs humidity then it can only be done in a closed environment. Soil is primarily black cotton type.So please guide me.


Established Member
Expert Member
Dear friend,

Depending on various factor a tailor made solution and crop can be suggested. But it needs good study. In case you want a deatiled answer contact us and register for us to proceed in the matter

anil patil
agri project consultant

I want technical guidance and buy back guarantee on 10 acres well irrigated land in Madhya Pradesh. The summers here are hot and dry and the winters are cold ( lowest say 4-5C ) and dry. I have ground water but if the crops needs humidity then it can only be done in a closed environment. Soil is primarily black cotton type.So please guide me.
