Precision farming in india



Active Member

precision farming is a comprehensive system designed to optimize agricultural production through application of crop information, advanced technology and management practices.

precise information-initial planning to post harvest, spatial and temporal data on the crop, soil , pest, topography and weather

Global positioning system, geographic information system and computers are key building block in this foundation..

1.Remote sensing technology
2.Hi-tech shade net nursery
3.chisel plough
4.drip cum fertigation system support and tie-ups
6.Empowerment of farmers and farmers forum
7.Insurance cover
8.reduction in pesticide usage
9.promotion of brand value documentation and record maintenance

Hi-tech shade net nursery
3 cents of shade net area is enough to produce nursery to cover 1 ha of main field

50% shade net on top, 4 side insect proof net, protray, sterilised cocoa peat mixed with bio fertilizers,watering both in morning and evening with rose can is the technology in hi-tech nursery production for cultivating exotic vegetables.

Technology-precision farming in vegetable

1.ploughing-1 chisel plough, 1 disc plough, 2 plough by cultivator

2.4' broad bed furrow

3.Drip cum fertigation system -drip of the dimention -lateral at 5 feet interval and dripper ( inline) 50 cm or 60 cms interval-discharge 4 litres of water/ hour

4.water soluble fertilizers are used - applied through out crop growth period particularly in the critical stage of plant growth like establishment phase, flowering and fruiting stage..for continuous growth and yield

5.Plastic mulch is laid for enhanced production methods-it arrest weed growth, conserve moisture thro prevention of evaporation loss of water and maintain suitable micro climate at root zone for better development of plants

5.Hi-tech shade net nursery is used in the production of healthy and quality vegetable seedlings

6.More organic manure like farmyard manure, compost @ 25 MT per ha or vermicompost

7.Bio-fertilizers like azospirillum, phosphobacteria are used all thro' cultivation right from nursery to main field crop cultivation

8. Bio pesticide-pseudomonas , trichoderma viride are used both in nursery and main field

9. Integrated pest & Disease management

a. use of bio pesticide and bio-fungicide
b.need based use of chemical pesticides
c.neem based product used
d.use of light trap , yellow trap and sex pheromone trap
e.adhering to right planting season
f.Trap crop at regular interval is planted among the main crop
g.panchakavya act as nutrients source and pset and disease control

10. Integrated nutrients management

chemical fertilizers+ bio fertilizers+ organic fertilizers like farmyard manure, vermicompost, compost and enriched compost+ micro nutrients mixtures + green and green leaf manures etc are used

11.staking of plants needs to be done

Advantage of precision farming

1.yield increase by 20-60 % . In some case yield increase is by 600%

2. 1st grade produce is 90 plus

3. uniform size and quality - preferred by consumers
4.weight by volume is 25% higher

5.30% premium price in the maket

6.5-6 days more shelf life

7. less labour dependence

8.30-40% water economy

9.extended crop harvest-5 months crop can yield upto 10 months

Post harvest management

Grading and sorting of the produce

cost of precision farming - 1 lac per ha/ 40 thousand per acre

income level- Rs.5-10 lac per ha

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I understood basic concept of it.But it needs sophisticated technical knowledge & guidance is required plus GPS(Wat s d use of it).It is really amazing how krishnagiri farmers can do it.

awaiting for ur Explanation.


Active Member
Dear Mr.Mani

Precision farming relates to obtaining higher yield of vegetable crop ...that means marketable first quality vegetable produce ...we know there are many variation in fertility status ( nutrients status ) and moisture percentage in a single field.Also when crop is being grown it is subject to external factors like pest and disease incidence.By installing GPS we can closely monitor all these parameters thro' micro sensor and manage to produce highest yield of first grade vegetable...
But this sort of sophisticated technology has not been followed in krishnagiri and dharmapurai ...still the crop yield is best mainly because of hi-tech nursery raised in shade net house, drip irrigation and continuous fetigation thro' water soluble fertilizers thro' out growing period and more important factor is rigorous and prophylactive control measure for pest and disease management...
For further details contact or visit tnau website..

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Hello Sir,
Thanks for ur reply.
I hav tried that option.I didnt get any positive response from them(mailed thrice).I have tried all possible ways that I could to get knowledge of it.Then I came to know about this forum& I joined.

Any how,I am ready to meet any one to get knowledge of it.But I need a contact details of them before proceed.Kindly give me details if u got any (or) guide me where i can get help (If u people Know).

Can U give which department i have to contact exactly at TNAU(if possible contact No/Mail Id)?
My Contact details,
Contact No:8801508875
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