


Well-Known Member
Heating of polyhouse

Heating of Polyhouse

Heating is required in winter season. Generally, the solar energy is sufficient to maintain inner temperature of polyhouse but some times more temperature is required to be supplied to some crops. For this few methods are as follows:

Constructing a tunnel below the earth of poly house.
Covering the northern wall of the house by jute clothing.
Covering whole of the polyhouse with jute cloth during night
Fitting solar energy driven device in polyhouse.



New Member
hi ms pariksha can u please send me a information about polyhouse cultivation of capsicum.my email is
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Active Member
bamboo polyhouse is cheaper

Why not consider going in for a bamboo polyhouse? A good design for a bamboo polyhouse has been developed by Rajesh Edke of Pune. The structure is made of bamboo poles and the covering is of high grade plastic sheets. Rajesh's company is called Thousand Petals. Search for it on the net and you will get Rajesh's contact details. A bamboo polyhouse covering one acre of land should cost between 4-5 lakh rupees. Just check with Rajesh. All the best.


Pariksha -

We are considering Polyhouse as well and would like to connect with you about your experiences so far and get an idea of benefits and issues with this type of approach. Where can we email you directly?

Please contact...
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