New Member
Hi All,
I am interested in dairy farming and wanted to enter into it,Her are my basic Queries
My main concern is feed as i never understand these TDN and digested crude protein values ,I will put all the available crops below and can you suggest me whether they an be used for the feed purpose and If yes please let me know by how much perentage i can cover the CF with the below crops.
1) We have plenty of Maize at our place
2) We do have many Rice Farms and many Rice Mills around
If the above things can be used as CF how much percentage of feed can be redued(bought outside)
Would like to go with murrah buffaloes as here we get 40rs per litre with 6%fat and wanted to visit as many f
I am interested in dairy farming and wanted to enter into it,Her are my basic Queries
My main concern is feed as i never understand these TDN and digested crude protein values ,I will put all the available crops below and can you suggest me whether they an be used for the feed purpose and If yes please let me know by how much perentage i can cover the CF with the below crops.
1) We have plenty of Maize at our place
2) We do have many Rice Farms and many Rice Mills around
If the above things can be used as CF how much percentage of feed can be redued(bought outside)
Would like to go with murrah buffaloes as here we get 40rs per litre with 6%fat and wanted to visit as many f