Pig farms in India: Research questions



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I am an MBA student at Indiana University, Indiana. My team is conducting some research about Pork production and Pig farms in emerging markets including India. Specifically, we are looking for information related to industry structure, competition, breeders, suppliers etc. Here are a few questions we are trying to answer for each country. If you are aware of any online sources where I can get this data for India, please let me know. I found that data related to pork industry in India is hard to come by. Any help you can provide is appreciated.

If you can answer these questions and add some detail from your experience, that will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time and attention.

1. Are their sizable commercial pig farms in India? If so, approximately how many?
2. What is the average sows per farm?
3. Where do the farmers get their sow/boars from? Who are the main suppliers of sow, boars to farmers?
4. Are there commercial pork production firms?
5. Is the industry vertically integrated? Does the firms own a feedstock company, a pig farm, the meat packer, a processor or grocery chain?
6. What is the demand for pork and the current supply situation?
7. What are some of the biggest challenges to pig farmers face?
8. Are there any pig genetic companies in India (either Indian or foreign)?
9. What are the main sources of feed? Any commercial suppliers?

If there is any more information you can add, that would be great.
